Message 34609

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:52:37 +0100 (BST)
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 wrote:

> No one has ever been prosocuted on the evidence of a TV detector van.
> There's no need to chuck your TV out of the window. It is an offence to
> have a TV in working order without a licence. Working order means it
> must have a power plug and ariel attached.

no. it is an offense to USE such a device. I could have 200 working TV's
with plugs and arial but no TV license. The TV License specifies the
use of devices to receive broadcast images


Message 34610

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Dealer's Association Suing Amiga
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:50:32 +0100
Hi Ben

> > Just seen this on Czech Amiga News. Look like Gateway/Amiga could be in
> > a spot of bother....
> > .....The Amiga Dealer's Association is suing Gateway/AmigaInc. for
> > various reasons, read on in this exclusive articleby Mark Tierno from
> > Amiga Information Online (AIO) webpage!
> Yes, I read this and all the legalese that accompanies it, and it doesn't
> quite ring true for me. Other than the bad spelling and grammar in the
> legalese, I've never heard of this ADA, nor do I know anyone who has (not
> cue for Mark and Lard stuff again, I promise).

Rumbled again then, our kid.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: The Dolby Surround Sound effect is in fact created by a
third person standing behind the listener, singing exactly 13/38th of a
second out of time.

Message 34611

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:51:08 +0100

> Pah ! Just do what Vivian did in The Young Ones and eat the telly.
> Gets 'em every time.

Was that Mr Bastard?  Or was he in another episode?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: The Dolby Surround Sound effect is in fact created by a
third person standing behind the listener, singing exactly 13/38th of a
second out of time.

Message 34612

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:53:41 +0100 (BST)
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 wrote:

> No one has ever been prosocuted on the evidence of a TV detector van.
> There's no need to chuck your TV out of the window. It is an offence to
> have a TV in working order without a licence. Working order means it
> must have a power plug and ariel attached.

...from my last point....which is why it is perfectly legal to own a TV
and video without a TV licence if you only use it to play video games
and to watch rental tapes with.


Message 34613

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:54:47 +0100 (BST)
On 28 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> Wipeout runs very nicely on my CVPPC :)

either i hope its been released or you are an official tester - there
were pirated releases of this game :-(


Message 34614

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 20:02:55 +0100
Hi Matt

> > > You *do* have SetMan installed, don't you?
> >
> > No, but I've downloaded it off Aminet and I'll give it a go tonight.
> Remember to put it IMMEDIATELY after SetPatch, and don't start any
> other patches before it. SetPatch is the only thing you shouldn't
> remove at all, the rest can be moved safely afterwards.. if you
> get what I mean..

The docs say SetMan should be put right at the top.  Even before SetPatch.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: The Dolby Surround Sound effect is in fact created by a
third person standing behind the listener, singing exactly 13/38th of a
second out of time.

Message 34615

From :Pekka Sippola <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:46:52 +0200
Hello Neil

> How will you run Wipeout without a BVision card?



proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 34616

From :"Oliver Roberts" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Dealer's Association Suing Amiga
Date: 28 Oct 99 19:13:07 +0100
Hi michael.carrillo,

On 28-Oct-99 12:35:57 BST, michael.carrillo wrote:

> Just seen this on Czech Amiga News. Look like Gateway/Amiga could be in
> a spot of bother....
> .....The Amiga Dealer's Association is suing Gateway/AmigaInc. for
> various reasons, read on in this exclusive articleby Mark Tierno from
> Amiga Information Online (AIO) webpage! 

Hardly an exclusive news article - it has also bee covered by the

 *Oliver Roberts*  -  Norwich, UK  -  Software Developer & Web Designer
 /  |  /  -  ICQ: 34640231
 Amiga F1GP Webring  ==>

Message 34617

From :"Nyk Tarr" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Strange problem ...
Date: 28 Oct 99 19:48:44 +0100
Once upon a time in the land of AF-ml,
Eng. Ricardo Fitzgerald wrote:

> Hi,
>     I have a friend with a very strange problem in his A1200, he has a GVP
> G-Lock PAL genlock, the one that is software driven, well what happens is
> after the necessary reboot (to genlock the Amiga), all the outputs go blank
> (grey), and even if you reset the machine they keep the same status, it gets
> back to normal when you turn it off and then back on, but the genlock is
> totally useless because you can never sync...

Both pal and ntsc G-Locks work perfectly OK here. They sync better if
you have a stable source - like an LD or DVD player, or the blue
'standby' screen - on when you reboot. You will probably need to run
'GL' as well.

   ____  _
   /__   _]|  http://                                      Team AMIGA
  / \/  |_ |  Find me on usenet:
 /  /\   _)|
WinErr 01E: Timing error - Please wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.

Message 34618

From :Paul Hilder <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 13:36:10 +0100
Hello M.

On 28-Oct-99, you wrote:

>> Has anyone received thier copy from Blittersoft yet?  I pre-ordered
>> ages ago and it hasnt arrived yet.  (Im not impatient, just 
>> wondering.)
> I got mine. I preordered they day they started preorders, so I may
> have been at the top (or near it) of a big list of people to send
> copies to. It arrived on Tuesday..

Same here.

> If you ordered afterward, maybe they're only just getting down to
> you?
> It should be with you soon, I'd expect..

So Matt, what did you think of it? :)


Message 34619

From :Paul Hilder <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 13:44:04 +0100
Hello Alan

On 28-Oct-99, you wrote:

>> > It's like some of the other software, the OEM version is better than
>> > the demo but not as featured as the full version... assuming the OEM
>> > version of Miami shows up this millennium.
>> Well that leaves him a year and two months then... :)
> hurrah! Another person not caught up on incorrect media cr*p - cant
> beleive that the BBC even stooped so low :-|

The whole "when is the millennium?" stuff doesn't interest me. All I know is
that I'll be putting "00" on my cheques. So no change there then. ;)

Message 34620

Subject: [afb] Re: Genetic Species screengrabs
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 14:15:50 -0700
"andrew mccombe" <> wrote: 
> I'm trying to do a few screen grabs of Genetic Species (wow, what a

Wow indeed. 

I can't help with screen grabs, but there are a few grabs on the game
CD itself that might be of use to you. 

Depends what you want them for of course, but if you want general
screen shots to show other people, some of these may be fine.


Message 34621

From :"Godzilla" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 13:35:53 -0700
> I think that overall, Amiga will be very lucky to sell even 20,000 copies
> the OS. They've sold 5,000 so far, and they are pressing another 5,000 but
> I betcha they won't press a further 5, it'll be more likely that they
> in 1,000 batchloads from them.
> All the best,

Hmm.. just a bit of rampant speculation here.. but I recall reading
statements like "20,000 or 30,000 copies need to be sold to justify further
development."  I just want to ask... how can they justify those
requirements??? I don't think they spent much more effort in OS 3.5 than
they do in WarpOS or StormC or Warp3D or Amiga Writer etc... and I'm certain
they haven't sold 5,000 copies of ANY of those programs... yet they continue
development with those apps... What's so special with AmigaOS that they have
to make a ton?

Not to mention they could easily have the help of an enormous wealth of free
community support for further development of the Amiga OS.. (Unlike their
other products.) And it'd be guaranteed to be the biggest selling Amiga
product every time it was released...

</Rampant Speculation>


Message 34622

From :"Godzilla" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 13:36:45 -0700
> > I knew someone would suggest I slog through the Egroups online
> list... (It
> > stinks.. it's a horrible browsing system..)
> > But I suppose I will have to... perhaps I can find a way to set a
> filter.
> Simple.
> Do a search for OS3.5. with the built in search engine.
> Bifford the Youngest.

Excellent! (Spoken by someone who obviously uses the online service.)  :)

Thanks for the info, I'll get right on it.


Message 34623

From :Paul Laycock <>
Subject: [afb] Thanks for the help
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 21:41:54 +0100
Hello there,

Just writing to say thanks to the many ppl responsible for the help you gave
me on my "Hideously Unstable Amiga". It is now working much better. Thanks.

 Well, look at that. The sun's coming up...
 Visit the amipal website:

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Message 34624

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:16:05 +0100
Hello Paul

>> I'm 44 so can remember
> Soon you'll be 50, and you'll start to forget ;)
>>                        Ken 
> Paul C, who still refers to BT as the GPO

I also still say ten bob 

                 Cheers all the best



Message 34625

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanners and stuff.
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:24:21 +0100
Hello Alan

> On 27 Oct 1999, Paul Cundle wrote:
>> You must remember, Ben, that you work in journalism and so you're used
>> to amazing results with scanners/printers etc. To me, and I suspect a
>> lot of other people, poor quality is often sufficient.
> simple test. Scan in a photo..and print it out at the same size as the
> original. a good scanner and printer will give you the same photo

you forgot good printing software/drivers also paper 100% top quality, when I
first used some Canon 720dpi stuff the prints were brill'

                 Cheers all the best



Message 34626

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] Re: shifting between machines
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:28:17 +0100
Hello Andrew

>   You want to copy 1gig?? Geeze, that'd take a long time on most network
> configs, certainly a long time on anything you could get running on your,
> A1200's weren't they?

why not shove a Surf Squirrel in with an external scsi HD copy what you want
on it. Then move the surf and scsi hd to the other machine 'easy peasey' 

                 Cheers all the best



Message 34627

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: 28 Oct 1999 19:49:38 +0100
Chris Andrews said, 

> On 28 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> Because it won't be, if the correct version ever arrives. Yes, H&P were
>> forced into putting a demo on the CD as a stopgap, but that's not what
>> you're paying for, and none of the other software is demos.

>   Why can no one see what Rob is actually trying to say?!?

Who says we cant :)

> He's just
> pointing out the irony of the arguements preceding the release!

The arguments put forward before the release are still valid. IIRC, it
started when someone suggested that the supplied version of *AWeb* would
be a demo. We said then that it wouldn't be (having used the SE version
myself) and it wasn't.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Sevareid`s Law: The chief cause of problems is solutions.

Message 34628

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: 28 Oct 99 21:50:29 +0000
On Thu Oct 28, Neil Bothwick was heard muttering:

> > Just out of interest, and not actually specifically concerning Active,
> > would the person (in this case Chris W) who ordered to CD's get new
> > copies done free - seeing as it was the duplicators who apparently
> > 'made a boo boo'?
> He should be entitled to a lot more than that. There's the cost of
> sending out all the replacements,

I didn't think that would be necessary. Most people by now will have
downloaded working versions.

> the time it takes, the time taken handling all the questions about it in the meantime and the
> potential loss of sales.

Good point, didn't really think of that.

> > Paul C, watching his language
> Why? What's it doing?

Very drole.

> Neil

Paul C, with a spotty shirt
... If you play a first person shooter over a null modem cable, are you a
      serial killer?

Message 34629

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanners and stuff.
Date: 28 Oct 99 21:53:59 +0000
What are you on about, Alan L.M. Buxey?

> > You must remember, Ben, that you work in journalism and so you're used
> > to amazing results with scanners/printers etc. To me, and I suspect a
> > lot of other people, poor quality is often sufficient.
> simple test. Scan in a photo..and print it out at the same size as the
> original. a good scanner and printer will give you the same photo

Er, no, an excellent scanner and excellent printer will give the same
photo (well not the /same/ photo, obviously).
I know little about the quality of scanning hardware, but my Canon
BJC4300 printer gives, IMO, excellent results and look very good
quality from a small distance. It's still nowhere near the resolution
of a photo from Boots, though.

> alan

Paul C, on Friday at 8:30 am
... "OK Mom, I'm going to hypnotize you now," said Tom transparently.

Message 34630

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: 28 Oct 99 21:55:44 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again=2E Apparently he goes
by the name of Patrice Champarou=2E

> > Paul C, who still refers to BT as the GPO
>   Patrice - who still refers to France-T=E9l=E9com as the PTT

I should just point out that I'm only 18, and that should have read my
dad refers to it as the GPO=2E

Paul C, taking x-rays
=2E=2E=2E Q: How many Oregonians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    A: Three=2E  One to screw in the lightbulb and two to fend off all thos=
       Californians trying to share the experience=2E

Message 34631

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 28 Oct 99 21:29:46 +0100
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:53:41 +0100 (BST), Alan L=2EM=2E Buxey wibbled=2E=2E=

> =2E=2E=2Efrom my last point=2E=2E=2E=2Ewhich is why it is perfectly legal=
 to own a TV
> and video without a TV licence if you only use it to play video games
> and to watch rental tapes with=2E

Except it isn't=2E Sorry, but you are LEGALLY required to have a licence
if you have an equipment that is capable of receiving a TV signal; this
includes TV, video, winTV cards and anything else in between=2E

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34632

From :fool <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Need A1200 Part
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 20:28:34 +0100
Hi Mark,

On 28-Oct-99 you wrote:


> Could you tell if the problem was video related at all and if the
> video DAC is likely to be dead?

I really don't know - it could be dead or it might be fine [shrug].

> The yellow wire sounds like some kind
> of hack,

Yep, I know a few people on here have boards with those extra wires soldered

> it's not on the chip I'm after though is it?

It is - it connects two pins together (and there's another two soldered

>> But, I'll have a look at removing it and, if I can get it out in one
>> piece, it's yours if you still want it.

> If it's probably dead I'll get the one Patrice is offering me,

Probably the best idea.


Message 34633

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: 28 Oct 1999 23:5:35 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> On Thu Oct 28, Neil Bothwick was heard muttering:

>> > Just out of interest, and not actually specifically concerning Active,
>> > would the person (in this case Chris W) who ordered to CD's get new
>> > copies done free - seeing as it was the duplicators who apparently
>> > 'made a boo boo'?
>> He should be entitled to a lot more than that. There's the cost of
>> sending out all the replacements,

> I didn't think that would be necessary. Most people by now will have
> downloaded working versions.

It may not be necessary, but people would be entitled to a working CD.
If that means Chris gets 1000 replacement CDs and only has to send out
500, good luck to him.

> Paul C, with a spotty shirt

Neil, who eats more carefully than Paul
Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Megabyte: (n.) more than you can comprehend and less than you'll need.

Message 34634

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 28 Oct 1999 22:55:35 +0100
Pekka Sippola said, 

> Hello Neil

>> How will you run Wipeout without a BVision card?

> CV3D

On a machine waiting for a BVision? It's unlikely.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
8088 = model T Ford.  Pentium = supercharged 400 horsepower model T Ford.

Message 34635

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 28 Oct 1999 23:0:16 +0100
Alan L.M. Buxey said, 

> On 28 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

>> Wipeout runs very nicely on my CVPPC :)

> either i hope its been released

No, it's scheduled for release at the Cologne show.

> or you are an official tester

No. Lousy games players aren't good candidates for testers :-/

> there were pirated releases of this game :-(

I know. I heard about them a couple of weeks ago. Not long after
receiving my copy :(

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Why are love and relationships so confusing?

Message 34636

From :Alexander Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: SoundStudio2 on PEE CEE
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 21:17:03 +0000
On 23-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Has anybody ever tried OCTAMED on PC ?! Oh I miss my 4 channels Amiga :(

> Do you recommend any smooth and capable program on PC?
Well I rather like Fast Tracker 2. It has a slight problem in that volume
sliding sounds a bit dodgy, and you get terrible clicks between notes. Its
also quite different to use, compared to octamed.
I think there's an amiga version, too, (as there are some amiga only options
- like toggling the audio filter) but I cant find it anywhere.

anyone know where it is?


Message 34637

From :Alexander Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP- Checksum error
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:08:12 +0000
> I get the message "Checksum Error at Block xxxx". I also get the "Volume
> not Validated" error message.

I think I got this sort of problem a while ago, where my hd wouldn't
validate its self.
I managed to fix this without formatting it. I used QuaterBackTools to
repair it, though I had to run it a couple of times to get it working.
I think I also managed to lose a few files by not waiting for the HD to stop
doing things before using QBTools, so exercise caution and patience.

hope this helps


Message 34638

From :Alexander Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:27:52 +0000
On 28-Oct-99, you wrote:
> ...from my last point....which is why it is perfectly legal to own a TV
> and video without a TV licence if you only use it to play video games
> and to watch rental tapes with.

What about this tv I have which seems to have some sort of internal
arial/signal filter? I didn't know about this feature until I tried tuning
in another channel for a vcr and found I had almost perfect tv reception.
As far as I can see, it would be impossible to tell if I was using it, or
was capable of using it, to watch tv, esp. as I often flick to over to
watch tv for a few seconds as I'm waiting for something to happen (like
program to load or image to render).

-curry; looking for loop holes

Message 34639

From :Alexander Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] No Subject
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:50:37 +0000

Could someone check my website and tell me if they have any difficulties
with dling the images, please?

I don't seem to be able to load them properly, and I want to check if its
just me or not.



It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 34640

From :"David Bacon" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: 29 Oct 99 00:00:16 +0000

Well After Ringing up BT 20 TIMES, They are finally thinking (Yes
Thinking) of connecting me to a direct line, After all the trouble i'm

I'll keep you all posted


Message 34641

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:46:06 +0100

> No one has ever been prosocuted on the evidence of a TV detector van.
> There's no need to chuck your TV out of the window. It is an offence to
> have a TV in working order without a licence. Working order means it
> must have a power plug and ariel attached.

I work in a tv & video shop and its always funny how after you make a sale and
ask them for there name & address, alot of people seem to forget where they
live, wonder why!

                 Cheers all the best



Message 34642

From :"David Bacon" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: No Subject
Date: 29 Oct 99 00:04:03 +0000
> 'Hi's
> Could someone check my website and tell me if they have any difficulties
> with dling the images, please?
> I don't seem to be able to load them properly, and I want to check if its
> just me or not.
> its
> ta.
Tried Nothing happened (No Images)

Message 34643

Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:55:55 +0100

>  Why can no one see what Rob is actually trying to say?!?  He's just
> pointing out the irony of the arguements preceding the release!  The
> version "supplied" when the package hits the doormat WILL be the demo,
> whether intended or not.  Regardless of correctional updates.

Thanks Chris!  At last - someone who can see it...


Message 34644

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:57:47 +0100

> Oh, and if you are registered blind, you can save a whopping =A35 off=
> licence fee!  Aren't they kind?

Yeah, and it's something like 20 quid cheaper for black and white - so =
difference between colour and B&W is =A320(ish), but the difference bet=
actaully being able to *see* the picture and not is a poxy five quid!
There's gotta be something wrong with that...


Message 34645

From :Chris Faircloth <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:09:20 +1300

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:

>M>  Why can no one see what Rob is actually trying to say?!?  He's just
>M> pointing out the irony of the arguements preceding the release!  The
>M> version "supplied" when the package hits the doormat WILL be the demo,
>M> whether intended or not.  Regardless of correctional updates.

>M Thanks Chris!  At last - someone who can see it...

And who can, in all honesty expect a full version of Miami and/or AWeb as well
as a new OS for the price being charged. 

Kind regards

Chris Faircloth.    Auckland ,   New Zealand
*Amiga Phoenix For The Future*   

ICQ # 38728970

Windows Multitasking - screwing up several things at once

Message 34646

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:34:11 +0100
> And the thing I DO like about IE5 is that if you save a 
> webpage to your harddisk, it creates a subfolder with all
> associated gfx in it, and amends the HTML accordingly to
> point to this folder instead of the URLs. Well useful
> when you want to keep stuff for reference.

Ah! Thanks for reminding me. I was about to suggest that to
Olli Wagner as a feature for Voyager 3 :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34647

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:34:56 +0100
Neil Bothwick wrote:

> > > How will you run Wipeout without a BVision card?
> > I'm hoping to run it on the fabled 3d gfx card for my PicassoIV
> It will be past the sell by date in its name by the time that 
> comes out.
> Wipeout runs very nicely on my CVPPC :)

Damn you! Damn you beta testers! You always get to see all the
good stuff :(

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34648

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:36:37 +0100
> > > > You *do* have SetMan installed, don't you?
> > >
> > > No, but I've downloaded it off Aminet and I'll give it a 
> > > go tonight.
> >
> > Remember to put it IMMEDIATELY after SetPatch, and don't start any
> > other patches before it. SetPatch is the only thing you shouldn't
> > remove at all, the rest can be moved safely afterwards.. if you
> > get what I mean..
> The docs say SetMan should be put right at the top.  Even 
> before SetPatch.

I wouldn't want anybody removing SetPatch's patches, though - would

I always put it the line after, so that SetPatch is basically a part
of the system that is there forever and anything else is loaded on
top.. you know what I mean.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34649

Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 02:47:54 -0700
> > > > > You *do* have SetMan installed, don't you?

What exactly is SetMan? I'd download to take a look, but I'm at work at
the mo...


Message 34650

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:49:22 +0100 (BST)
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Godzilla wrote:

> they do in WarpOS or StormC or Warp3D or Amiga Writer etc... and I'm certain
> they haven't sold 5,000 copies of ANY of those programs... yet they continue
> development with those apps... What's so special with AmigaOS that they have
> to make a ton?

because os3.5 is the *OS* whereas their programs are specialised utils
and apps that not everyone should need or have. Warp3D is an API to
evolve the Amiga...and thats working..and WarpOS is likewise. 
If people arent buying the latest OS for the machine...then what future?


Message 34651

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanners and stuff.
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:51:08 +0100 (BST)
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Ken Walsh wrote:

> you forgot good printing software/drivers also paper 100% top quality, when I
> first used some Canon 720dpi stuff the prints were brill'

I assume you use the best software you can get and the better media :-)


Message 34652

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:53:26 +0100 (BST)
On 28 Oct 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:

> Except it isn't. Sorry, but you are LEGALLY required to have a licence
> if you have an equipment that is capable of receiving a TV signal; this
> includes TV, video, winTV cards and anything else in between.

no your not. and i've actually had this tested by nice TV men. You only
have to have a licence if you are using such devices to receive a
broadcast signal. 


Message 34653

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:54:24 +0100 (BST)
On 28 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> >> How will you run Wipeout without a BVision card?
> > CV3D
> On a machine waiting for a BVision? It's unlikely.

eh? He said CV3D - this card runs Warp3D and will run WO2097 


Message 34654

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:50:12 +0100
Hi Tom,

>> I think that overall, Amiga will be very lucky to sell even 20,000 copies
>> of the OS. They've sold 5,000 so far, and they are pressing another 5,000
>> but I betcha they won't press a further 5, it'll be more likely that they
>> press in 1,000 batchloads from them.

> I hope you're wrong about the total sales Ben:(

Nope. It's been confirmed time and again. Actually that's the number that
H&P have sold, not the number that have been sold to end-users. It's
possible that that figure is less.

> Although 5,000 in one week doesn't seem /too/ bad.

Not these days it doesn't. Especially when you consider that not even 5,000
sales of DOpus have been made...

> Cheers, Tom U, who ordered 3.5 yesterday

Good for you.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)                T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format            F: (+44) 01225 732275
             PGP key available upon request
"I'm not sure if I'm heterosexual", 
said Tom half in Earnest

Message 34655

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:55:42 +0100 (BST)
On 28 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> >> Wipeout runs very nicely on my CVPPC :)

the original statement
> > either i hope its been released
> No, it's scheduled for release at the Cologne show.

so it hasnt been released yet.
> > there were pirated releases of this game :-(
> I know. I heard about them a couple of weeks ago. Not long after
> receiving my copy :(

so how have you got a copy then? Is this for Amiga Magazine review? 8-)


Message 34656

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:58:48 +0100

>> Except it isn't. Sorry, but you are LEGALLY required to have a licence
>> if you have an equipment that is capable of receiving a TV signal; this
>> includes TV, video, winTV cards and anything else in between.

> no your not. and i've actually had this tested by nice TV men. You only
> have to have a licence if you are using such devices to receive a
> broadcast signal.

Believe it or not I agree with Alan on this one...
Theres a URL (can't be bothered to search for it again) with the full law on TV
licences, and it states exaclty what Alan says.


Message 34657

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:05:33 +0200
Ben V. penned in a manner befitting an editor:

> > I hope you're wrong about the total sales Ben:(
> Nope. It's been confirmed time and again. Actually that's the number that
> H&P have sold, not the number that have been sold to end-users. It's
> possible that that figure is less.
> > Although 5,000 in one week doesn't seem /too/ bad.
> Not these days it doesn't. Especially when you consider that not even 5,000
> sales of DOpus have been made...

Hmmmm - I'm starting to think that maybe I should upgrade all my 3.5 capable
machines to 3.5 - and that means buying extra copies - otherwise licensing
issues will bite me - they are all turned on all the time :(

Interestingly - *don't post your real serial number for obvious reasons* -
my serial number was in the seventeen (17) thousands - are they basing this 
on the actual figure or is it made up?


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34658

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 10:22:01 +0100
> > > > > > You *do* have SetMan installed, don't you?
> What exactly is SetMan? I'd download to take a look, but I'm 
> at work at the mo...

Read this:

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34659

From :"Godzilla" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 02:29:33 -0700
> On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Godzilla wrote:
> > they do in WarpOS or StormC or Warp3D or Amiga Writer etc... and I'm
> > they haven't sold 5,000 copies of ANY of those programs... yet they
> > development with those apps... What's so special with AmigaOS that they
> > to make a ton?
> because os3.5 is the *OS* whereas their programs are specialised utils
> and apps that not everyone should need or have. Warp3D is an API to
> evolve the Amiga...and thats working..and WarpOS is likewise.
> If people arent buying the latest OS for the machine...then what future?
> alan

You make absolutely ZERO sense in what you have just said.. and I can't find
anything to link what you just said to what I asked...

I asked why they need to sell so many copies to justify development when
they don't sell that many copies of anything else and spend as much effort
on the others.


Message 34660

Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:04:25 +0100

>> because os3.5 is the *OS* whereas their programs are specialised utils
>> and apps that not everyone should need or have. Warp3D is an API to
>> evolve the Amiga...and thats working..and WarpOS is likewise.
>> If people arent buying the latest OS for the machine...then what future?

> You make absolutely ZERO sense in what you have just said.. and I can't find
> anything to link what you just said to what I asked...

> I asked why they need to sell so many copies to justify development when
> they don't sell that many copies of anything else and spend as much effort
> on the others.

Hi Jack
I *think* what Alan was trying to say is that if they don't sell enough of the
new OS then from their point of view the platform would be dead.  After all, any
new software they produce would presumably be built ontop of OS3.5, and if they
don't sell enough it's game over.  (Correct me if I'm worng Alan)


Message 34661

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: WW
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:16:15 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Patrice Champarou <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Tuesday, 26-Oct-99, 21:12:56
 About:  [afb] Re: WW 

Hello Patrice,

> Another irritating thing about Wordworth is the spelling check
> feature, which slows down the writing process with permanent drive
> access.

I run with it on and put up with it, though as I tend to write technical
documents, and letters with people's names in it, that makes it damn
slow.  But I've never found a computer could keep up with my typing
speed properly anyway.  Their display update is too slow, the keyboard
buffering sucks, and my 1200's keyboard is almost as nasty to type on
as an IBuM computers.

I managed to annoy one of the secretaries at my high school by typing
faster than one of them.  Those old IBuM golf ball electric typewriters
are still the fastest machines to type on.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34662

Subject: [afb] Get paid to use the internet
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 03:03:44 -0700
I just found this mailing list, and hope this site will be of interest
to you. It allows you to have a banner advert at the bottom of your
screen and get paid for seeing the advert. This is not a scam and does
not promise to make you rich, but will make you a little money for
surfing which you will be doing anyway. You can get paid more if you
get people to sign up - which
is why I'm telling you! I think this works for Amigas as well as PCs.

The address is

Please sign up if you are interested.

Message 34663

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 02:33:07 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Sealey, M. <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Tuesday, 26-Oct-99, 19:31:16
 About:  [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!! 

Hello M.,

>> NO! I like Holger! And I love Miami... I for one fully 
>> understand him trying to slow down the Piracy of his
>> software... (That was why he put the backdoor in Miami right?)

> The backdoor was in a load of programs by a group called
> Digital Corruption. They be pirates, be they! They attributed
> the backdoor to Miami, but it was actually in a bunch of
> apps they wrote, and/or hacked.
> Don't use DCtelnet or anything on Aminet by Digital Corruption.

I seem to recall reading about there being a front door in Miami.  ;-)

No seriously, Miami knows if the keyfile you use is genuine, or belonged
to some known fakes, and did something in response.  Holger was less
than forthcoming about this (naturally), but did write in response
after acusations flew in all directions.  What I do recall reading was
that it would delete the fake keyfile.

Tragic... (I'm being sarcastic).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34664

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 02:25:05 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Ben Vost <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Wednesday, 27-Oct-99, 22:42:14
 About:  [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami 

Hello Ben,

> There was going to be a special version of Miami for OS3.5, but H&P
> and Holger Kruse ran out of time to put it in. There may well be a
> special version in the future, but it still wouldn't be as good as the
> registered version (why would Holger make a version that was as good
> that he got no money from?).

Do you mean he's not getting any money for it, or not sufficent?

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34665

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 02:18:54 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Tudor Davies <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Tuesday, 26-Oct-99, 23:10:12
 About:  [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED! 

Hello Tudor,

>>>> but my information was that they were also able to knobble the ISPs
>>>> MODEM (or Terminal Adaptor), not just the users.

> I've only just caught up on this thread (sorry for butting in), and
> read this bit above...
> Now this is interesting - how on earth can someone send modem codes to
> the host end of a PPP session - that ain't possible - check the RFC :)

Didn't say I'd researched as a fact, just what I'd been informed of. 
For what it's worth, some ISPs do still have MODEMs to connect to their
users.  My BBS software (yes my BBS software, not my terminal program
used to call BBSs) even warns to de-program the triple plus escape
code, so that callers can't hack you.

If you're so inclined, try this:  Write a message with the triple plus
ATH0 sequence written into the message, and try to post it with YAM and
MiamiDx.  Your MODEM will probably hang up.  Mine did, and it
shouldn't.  Not only should that sequence not get seen by the MODEM in
this situation, but the MODEM's escape sequence guard time is supposed
to protect against that character sequence being embedded in the data

i.e.  you need triple plus, wait with no trafic, AT sequence, for the
      MODEM to recognise the code, else it's ignored completely.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34666

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 02:12:03 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Sealey, M. <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Tuesday, 26-Oct-99, 20:07:43
 About:  [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED! 

Hello M.,

>> Hello M.,
>> T. here, send in Q please...
> ?

You never watched James Bond?  My mailer automatically uses the first
name in replies, and since you've put a comma after your surname, it
rightly picks M. as your first name.
> How come you spell modem in capitals anyway, or are you
> just feeding Rich's need for correctly-formed acronyms?

Answered elsewhere.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34667

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: More pedantry (was OS 3.5 PIRATED!)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 01:45:29 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Richard Drummond <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Tuesday, 26-Oct-99, 22:18:18
 About:  [afb] Re: More pedantry (was OS 3.5 PIRATED!) 

Hello Richard,

>>> but my information was that they were also able to knobble the ISPs
>>> MODEM (or Terminal Adaptor), not just the users.
>> Ooh, nasty. How come you spell modem in capitals anyway, or are you
>> just feeding Rich's need for correctly-formed acronyms?
> It's a contraction not an acronym.
> (I'm sorry, your honour. I didn't want to reply, but I was provoked.
> That Sealey chap mentioned the dreaded 'A' word.)

If I were being truly pedantic, I would probably say MoDem, but MODEM is
easier to type, and looks better too.

Tim.  SysOp of "Tim's Bored" BBS.


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34668

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 01:14:19 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Wednesday, 27-Oct-99, 00:55:20
 About:  [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock! 

Hello Alan,

>> What patch from GPSoft?

> probably the DOpusMagII upgrade

I got a little peeved about DOpus.  I just recently bought it (this
week), and find out that the version I received is quite a few months
old, and I have to download an upgrade patch and run it.  The patch is
also quite old.

I don't expect to have to do this when I buy software, I expect to be
supplied the latest version, especially when I buy direct from the

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34669

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously Unstable Amiga Shock!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 01:08:53 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From: <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Tuesday, 26-Oct-99, 19:26:51
 About:  [afb] Re: Hideously Unstable Amiga Shock! 


> At roughly 19:17 yesterday evening I started the exploritory surgery
> which I hoped would leed me to an explanation to why my Amiga has
> recently been so "Hideously Unstable". I opened the PowerTower (after
> earthing myself), and made sure *everything* was connected/put in
> properly. Except for a little (pah, a lot of!) dust, nothing was out
> of place. I switched the beast on (with the cover off) to make sure it
> still worked after my surgery, and it booted as I would have expected
> (ie. it did). So what could be wrong? Only careful experiments with
> patches and other gubbinz will result in my Amiga becoming stable
> again...

Do NOT work on a powered device while you are earthed.  That is the
surest way to kill yourself.  If you get zapped, you will find it hard
to disconnect yourself.  It is better to lean against some earthed part
of the chassis while rummaging around inside.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34670

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: def_CDDA?
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 00:50:30 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  James Potter <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Wednesday, 27-Oct-99, 19:54:12
 About:  [afb] def_CDDA? 

Hello James,

> Me again.
> Having now installed the CDFS for OS3.5, can anyone tell me how to
> change the CD0:CDDA icon that pops up whenever an audio CD is put in?
> The default is really ugly.
> I've managed to set "def_" icons for my Zip disks and CrossDos but I'm
> having no luck with this. I think my difficulty is that the other
> icons are set for devices and things (zips=DF7:, CrossDos=PC1: etc)
> but CDDA doesn't count like that.

Env:Sys/ perhaps, is the icon filename.  That works for
AmiCDFS, it might be the same for other CD file systems.

Do you have SnoopDOS?  You could see what it's searching for.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34671

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:34:19 +0100 (BST)

> You make absolutely ZERO sense in what you have just said.. and I can't find
> anything to link what you just said to what I asked...
> I asked why they need to sell so many copies to justify development when
> they don't sell that many copies of anything else and spend as much effort
> on the others.

What I said did make sense, but you have to look at it in the same way.
The OS is the main programming environment for the machine. It is a far
more direct register of active Amiga users than sales of StormC or how
many downloads of Warp3D happen (after all, only developers buy StormC -
and even then, people use vbcc) and only people with 3D gfx cards use
Warp3D - and they're not available for sale right now :-|

also, future programs will be using os3.5 functions - the new printer
management, new aml.library, hdwrench, icon system, ARexx functions etc

and finally, they can sell 5,000 units of their main stable programs
because its a small dev. team and the units cost a lot - 180 ukp for
StormC .  Os3.5 was a bigger team, more logistics, and is 35 ukp.

even basic scaling shows they need to sell 4 times as many units to make
the same money...for a bigger dev. team


Message 34672

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:39:27 +0100 (BST)
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> I don't expect to have to do this when I buy software, I expect to be
> supplied the latest version, especially when I buy direct from the
> source.

they've mastered many disks....the cost would go up if you wanted the
flavour of the month version.  i like to download latest versions, makes
it feel like its improved ;-)


Message 34673

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 29 Oct 1999 11:25:30 +0100
Alan L.M. Buxey said, 

> On 28 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

>> >> How will you run Wipeout without a BVision card?
>> > CV3D
>> On a machine waiting for a BVision? It's unlikely.

> eh? He said CV3D - this card runs Warp3D and will run WO2097 

Pekka said CV3D. My previous question wasn't directed at him, but
someone waiting for a BVision.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The cost of feathers has even DOWN is up!

Message 34674

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 29 Oct 1999 11:27:44 +0100
Alan L.M. Buxey said, 

> On 28 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

>> >> Wipeout runs very nicely on my CVPPC :)
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>> No, it's scheduled for release at the Cologne show.

> so it hasnt been released yet.

Unless I missed the Cologne show :)

>> > there were pirated releases of this game :-(
>> I know. I heard about them a couple of weeks ago. Not long after
>> receiving my copy :(

> so how have you got a copy then? Is this for Amiga Magazine review? 8-)

No. Psygnosis needed to see and test the game before they'd allow it to
be released, but they don't have a PPC Amiga. So Digital Images needed
to find someone with such a machine and close to Liverpool. I got

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If you can smile when things go wrong then you have someone in mind to blame.

Message 34675

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 11:46:35 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:53:26 +0100 (BST), Alan L=2EM=2E Buxey wibbled=2E=2E=

> no your not=2E and i've actually had this tested by nice TV men=2E You on=
> have to have a licence if you are using such devices to receive a
> broadcast signal=2E=20

Sorry, but that's complete rubbish; if you have the equipment to receive
a TV signal, you must pay the TV licence=2E The only way around this is if
the equipment is broken=2E This information is from what one of the bosses
of TV Licencing said on Talk Radio a couple of months back, and what the
people on the TV licence phone line will tell you as well=2E Sorry=2E

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34676

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:08:47 +0100

> Sorry, but that's complete rubbish; if you have the equipment to receive

No, it isn't.

> a TV signal, you must pay the TV licence. The only way around this is if
> the equipment is broken. This information is from what one of the bosses
> of TV Licencing said on Talk Radio a couple of months back, and what the

What, and you think he's going to advertise something that people will try to
use against his orgasnisation?


Message 34677

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:15:10 +0100

>> Sorry, but that's complete rubbish; if you have the equipment to receive

> No, it isn't.

>> a TV signal, you must pay the TV licence. The only way around this is if

This is straight from the horses mouth:
"You need a TV licence to install or use any equipment to receive television
programmes. This includes
televisions, video recorders or satellite receivers. You need a licence whether
you watch BBC, ITV,
Channels 4 or 5, satellite, cable or other television programme services."

...where "install" means "connected up to power and ariel" - check if you doubt


Message 34678

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 10:29:06 +0100
Hi Neil

On 27-Oct-99, you wrote:

> The problem is in the CD pressing. The gold masters work fine, I have
> one here, but the production CDs have corrupted files. They are the same
> size but have different checksums.

Excellent! I mean, at least it's not my fault (for once). I've no problem with
hanging on a bit for a fix, as long as I know there is one. The majority of
the stuff works fine, and I can work around everything else for the meantime.


Always remember to pillage before you burn.

Message 34679

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: contact manager
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 10:48:55 +0100
Hi Oliver

On 28-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Is there any way i can import my old data base from contact manager
> 1.3 into version 1.6 because loading the .data file does not work nor
> does saving the options and then loading them can anyone help?

As far as I can tell, no. You could send a mail to the CM mailing list on-, and see if Simone can help you...


"Bother," said Frost, as the phonebill arrived.

Message 34680

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 12:41:51 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:08:47 +0100,  wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> What, and you think he's going to advertise something that people will tr=
y to
> use against his orgasnisation?

Why would he lie on national radio and risk losing his job?

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34681

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 12:43:40 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:15:10 +0100,  wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> =2E=2E=2Ewhere "install" means "connected up to power and ariel" - check =
if you doubt
> me=2E

Sorry; you just have to have the equipment to receive a signal=2E In fact,
the licence is so out-dated and messed-up, that people in remote areas
such as the highlands, who cannot receive ANY television signals other
than satellite still have to pay the TV licence forr channels that they
cannot receive=2E

It's a ridiculous and outdated tax, but unfortunately that's the way it

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34682

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:59:34 +0100

>> What, and you think he's going to advertise something that people will try to
>> use against his orgasnisation?

> Why would he lie on national radio and risk losing his job?

So naive...
People lie *all the time*.  The signal that failed in the Paddington crash was
fine according to Railtrack's managing director, but they're still gonna change
it.  Labour said they'd do away with student loans and have they?
He merely stated *his* interpretation of it - simple as that.


Message 34683

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:01:14 +0100

>> ...where "install" means "connected up to power and ariel" - check if you
>> me.

> Sorry; you just have to have the equipment to receive a signal. In fact,

Stop appologising!

> the licence is so out-dated and messed-up, that people in remote areas
> such as the highlands, who cannot receive ANY television signals other
> than satellite still have to pay the TV licence forr channels that they
> cannot receive.

> It's a ridiculous and outdated tax, but unfortunately that's the way it is.

We agree in principle, so let's leave it there, yeah?  This could go on forever
otherwise (I've seen it happen!)


Message 34684

Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously Unstable Amiga Shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 06:04:29 -0700
> That is the
> surest way to kill yourself.  If you get zapped, you will find it hard
> to disconnect yourself.  It is better to lean against some earthed
> of the chassis while rummaging around inside.

I touched the radiator (a quick tap) before exposing the guts of my
miggy, to get rid of any charge that may have accumulated in day2day
life. I didn't STAY attached.


Message 34685

From :"Mark Lynn" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Home egroups problem
Date: 29 Oct 99 13:02:28 +0000
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:13:11 +0100, Danny Shepherd wrote:

> >> Delete the cookie, it should be a file in the Cache directory. Voyager
> >> will forget you were ever logged in!
> > Then you can't log back in because it tells you that you have cookies
> > disabled, I'm having similar problems :(
> I didn't say disable the cookies, I said delete the file containing the
> cookie. It's in the cache, named Cookies.1 or something similar. Now when
> you goto EGroups you will be asked to log in as if it were the very first
> time you used Voyager to access the site because, according to EGroups,  it
> is :)

Yeah, I knew what you meant, I've already tried that. I've got cookies
set to always accept in Voyager but the site still won't let me log
in. I'd had no problems until I re-subscribed under a new email

It's no big problem, it just means that I can't vote on any polls now,
it only came to light when I tried to vote on Ben's OS3.5 poll. I'll
put up with it until I get Voyager 3.

Mark -

Message 34686

Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 06:11:30 -0700
> > What exactly is SetMan? I'd download to take a look, but I'm 
> > at work at the mo...
> Read this:
> -- 
> Matt Sealey 

Hmm. Thanks, I'll give it a try...


Message 34687

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS 3.5 PIRATED!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:18:29 +0200
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 02:18:54AM +0930, Tim Seifert wrote:

> > Now this is interesting - how on earth can someone send modem codes to
> > the host end of a PPP session - that ain't possible - check the RFC :)
> Didn't say I'd researched as a fact, just what I'd been informed of. 
> For what it's worth, some ISPs do still have MODEMs to connect to their
> users.  My BBS software (yes my BBS software, not my terminal program
> used to call BBSs) even warns to de-program the triple plus escape
> code, so that callers can't hack you.

Yeh, but the BBS program doesn't use PPP does it - that's just straight
terminal emulation over a serial port connected via a modem.
Yes some ISPs hack rack mounted modems, etc, but these are now few and far
between (apart from 3Com and Multitech who still make a fortune doing this

> If you're so inclined, try this:  Write a message with the triple plus
> ATH0 sequence written into the message, and try to post it with YAM and
> MiamiDx.  Your MODEM will probably hang up.  Mine did, and it
> shouldn't.  Not only should that sequence not get seen by the MODEM in
> this situation, but the MODEM's escape sequence guard time is supposed
> to protect against that character sequence being embedded in the data
> stream.
> i.e.  you need triple plus, wait with no trafic, AT sequence, for the
>       MODEM to recognise the code, else it's ignored completely.

I will try that over the weekend...



Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 34688

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:28:40 +0100
> > ...where "install" means "connected up to power and ariel"=20
> > - check if you doubt> me.
> Sorry; you just have to have the equipment to receive a=20
> signal. In fact, the licence is so out-dated and messed-up,
> that people in remote areas such as the highlands, who
> cannot receive ANY television signals other than satellite
> still have to pay the TV licence forr channels that they
> cannot receive.

The TV license does not pay for 'channels'. Officially it
is a license to receive transmissions on a certain frequency
band, which encompasses ALL TV transmissions.

Just because the BBC get the money does not mean that if
you only watch ITV then you shouldn't pay it, the BBC get
the money because they are the national televison service,
like the gas and water used to be national.

It sort of offsets a cost anyway, people like the BBC and
ITV have to pay to TRANSMIT signals, so by paying them to
receive them, you are in effect paying for the BBC to
transmit their signals - ITV pay for it by advertising
(and also waste their money on inane quiz shows).

So in a sense, it *is* paying for the BBC, but then seeing
as they TELL you that, you can't do anything about it. It's
not like it's a hidden tax.

> It's a ridiculous and outdated tax, but unfortunately that's=20
> the way it is.

I'd rather pay =A3120 a year for a TV license than have advert
breaks in the middle of Star Trek left, right, and centre.

As it stands, we have the best TV services in the world, bar
none. Scrapping the TV license would mean we degenerate into
programs like they get in Spain (the ones the Fast Show rips
the pizzle out of) or God Forbid, in America.

It's bad enough that we have to watch Neighbours when it's
imported, having TV companies produce drivel like that on
home soil makes my stomach turn..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester=20

Message 34689

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:43:17 +0100

> I'd rather pay =A3120 a year for a TV license than have advert
> breaks in the middle of Star Trek left, right, and centre.

I know exactly what you mean Matt, but I'd rather put up with a few ads=
 and save
the cash.

> As it stands, we have the best TV services in the world, bar
> none. Scrapping the TV license would mean we degenerate into
> programs like they get in Spain (the ones the Fast Show rips
> the pizzle out of) or God Forbid, in America.

I wouldn't go that far.  It's good, yes.... but how would getting rid o=
f the
licence cause the downfall of our service?  Surely it would just mean t=
hat the
BBC would be funded in a different way.  As it goes I hardly ever watch=
 the BBC
so I resent having to pay for it.

> It's bad enough that we have to watch Neighbours when it's
> imported, having TV companies produce drivel like that on
> home soil makes my stomach turn..

Me too...


Message 34690

From :Mark <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:52:19 +0100 (BST)
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> As it stands, we have the best TV services in the world, bar
> none. Scrapping the TV license would mean we degenerate into
> programs like they get in Spain (the ones the Fast Show rips
> the pizzle out of) or God Forbid, in America.

I agree </AOL>
I think the BBC is capable of producing the best programmes on television
(as Walking With Dinosaurs proves). Its just a shame that they do seem to
be dumbing down slightly to compete with other channels - which isn't what
they should be doing (Look at any of the National Lottery shows to see
what I mean...)

> It's bad enough that we have to watch Neighbours when it's
> imported, having TV companies produce drivel like that on
> home soil makes my stomach turn..

Which channel is Neighbours on?

And which channel was Eldorado on?


Mark_H (first reply to Matt Sealey and shaking already)

Message 34691

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 14:08:29 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:28:40 +0100, Sealey, M=2E wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> I'd rather pay =A3120 a year for a TV license than have advert
> breaks in the middle of Star Trek left, right, and centre=2E

Then you should be able to make that choice; unfortunately, the TV
Licence is a tax that must be paid by all=2E Since I got cable installed
in March, I have watched no more than two hours of terrestrial
television in total, yet we still have to pay for the BBC (that is where
the money goes=2E=2E=2E)=2E=20

> As it stands, we have the best TV services in the world, bar
> none=2E=20

That's debateable=2E British TV relies on emergency services drama,
docusoaps, cosy suburban sitcoms with lots of sit but no com, brilliant
American imports shoved to the back of the schedules, crap American chat
shows, crapper British chat shows attempting to emulate crap American
chat shows, soaps=2E=2E=2E

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34692

From :Stryker <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Dodgy Blizzard PPC
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 13:12:06 +0300
Hello Alan
> btw, i dont think any of the Phase5 cards get detected in the bootmenu
> expansion card diagnotic 
The Blizzard&the BVision cards are recognised in hte bootmenu as strange
numbers as they do in the show config8-))
                                        00  00
                                     00        00
                                  00 AMIGA 00
                               00                    00
                             000    RULEZ    000
                           0000        for       0000
                         00000     EVER     00000
                           0000       and       0000
                             000         it         000
                               00    NEVER    00
                                  00    DIE    00
                                    00          00
                                      00      00
                                        00  00

Message 34693

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:16:57 +0100

> Then you should be able to make that choice; unfortunately, the TV
> Licence is a tax that must be paid by all. Since I got cable installe=
> in March, I have watched no more than two hours of terrestrial
> television in total, yet we still have to pay for the BBC (that is wh=
> the money goes...).

Hear hear!
And now they expect digital subscribers to pay =A325 extra, and the BBC=
 have the
cheek to call their digital channels "free" !!

> That's debateable. British TV relies on emergency services drama,
> docusoaps, cosy suburban sitcoms with lots of sit but no com, brillia=
> American imports shoved to the back of the schedules, crap American c=
> shows, crapper British chat shows attempting to emulate crap American=

> chat shows, soaps...

I didn't think I could be the only one who's noticed.
Good work fella!


Message 34694

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:40:31 +0100
> > Then you should be able to make that choice; unfortunately, the TV
> > Licence is a tax that must be paid by all. Since I got=20
> Hear hear!
> And now they expect digital subscribers to pay =A325 extra, and=20
> the BBC have the cheek to call their digital channels "free" !!

They are, the extra =A325 is to pay for the privilege of receiving
transmissions on the higher digital bands.

That's pure license fee, not BBC stuff. If you have Sky then you
needn't pay, obviously :)

> > shows, crapper British chat shows attempting to emulate=20
> > crap American chat shows, soaps...
> I didn't think I could be the only one who's noticed.
> Good work fella!


Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester=20

Message 34695

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 14:30:59 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:01:14 +0100,  wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> We agree in principle, so let's leave it there, yeah?  This could go on f=
> otherwise (I've seen it happen!)

Okay=2E We'll agree that I am completely correct, and leave it at that ;)

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34696

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 14:46:32 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:40:31 +0100, Sealey, M=2E wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> That's pure license fee, not BBC stuff=2E=20

Wrong; when the extra fee was proposed, I spent the afternoon watching
Sky News (and occasionally News24)=2E John Birt was annoyed because he
didn't feel the licence increase was enough; he wanted more so he could
launch more childrens channels etc, which are already well provided by
exitsing companies (Nickleodeon have a deal with Childrens BBC whereby
they broadcast CBBC programmes in the daytime)=2E

>If you have Sky then you
> needn't pay, obviously :)


The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34697

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:55:26 +0100
> On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:40:31 +0100, Sealey, M. wibbled...
> > That's pure license fee, not BBC stuff.=20
> Wrong; when the extra fee was proposed, I spent the afternoon =
> Sky News (and occasionally News24). John Birt was annoyed because he
> didn't feel the licence increase was enough; he wanted more so he
> could launch more childrens channels etc, which are already well
> provided by exitsing companies (Nickleodeon have a deal with =
> BBC whereby they broadcast CBBC programmes in the daytime).

Granted, but while the extra license fee JB proposed WOULD go to
fund extra channels, the =A325 extra is for the usage of the bandwidth,
and not to fund extra channels. The BBC can afford Choice and News24
perfectly well.

> >If you have Sky then you needn't pay, obviously :)
> Errm...

The way I was told, Sky Digital subscribers don't have to pay the
extra =A325 because Sky aren't using any strange methods to get the
channels to you - they're piggybacked onto a normal Satellite
signal, in some unused transponder frequencies. Your box decodes
them, of course.

Now while Cable people and onDigital people have to pay for the
extra stuff, Sky are soaking up the cost of piggybacking those
channels - they OBVIOUSLY have to receive these channels themselves
and I suspect the government is charging them a bomb.

Just how I was told it :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester=20

Message 34698

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:56:45 +0100 (BST)
On 29 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> Pekka said CV3D. My previous question wasn't directed at him, but
> someone waiting for a BVision.


heh heh, hopefully he's not hoping on a software Warp3D driver :-)


Message 34699

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:57:32 +0100 (BST)

> No. Psygnosis needed to see and test the game before they'd allow it to
> be released, but they don't have a PPC Amiga. So Digital Images needed
> to find someone with such a machine and close to Liverpool. I got
> volunteered.

duh! of course...i heard that your Amiga was commisioned! :-)

so, any raised eyebrows at Psygnosis then? :-)


Message 34700

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:58:59 +0100 (BST)

> Sorry, but that's complete rubbish; if you have the equipment to receive
> a TV signal, you must pay the TV licence. The only way around this is if
> the equipment is broken. This information is from what one of the bosses
> of TV Licencing said on Talk Radio a couple of months back, and what the
> people on the TV licence phone line will tell you as well. Sorry.

maybe i'll send you a copy of the form i filled in for the TV licence
people and the reply letter?

They'll try to get ANYONE to have a licence. I only looked into this at
one point to save my mum a few quid. she was working silly hours once,
and only used the TV to watch a video rental twice a week. 


Message 34701

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:01:45 +0100 (BST)
On 29 Oct 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:

> Sorry; you just have to have the equipment to receive a signal. In fact,
> the licence is so out-dated and messed-up, that people in remote areas
> such as the highlands, who cannot receive ANY television signals other
> than satellite still have to pay the TV licence forr channels that they
> cannot receive.

no no no. thats the *point* of the licence. you pay if you use the TV to
receive *any* *broadcast* images. which bit dotn you understand? You
have to pay even if you only watch ITV or Channel 4. you *dont* have to
pay if you only use a display set (aka TV) to show images from a video
console or a VCR. and those tapes *must* be pre-recorded. if you use it
to watch a tape of ..say EastEnders..from your neighbour, you need a TV

Message 34702

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:53:53 +0100

>> We agree in principle, so let's leave it there, yeah?  This could go on
>> otherwise (I've seen it happen!)

> Okay. We'll agree that I am completely correct, and leave it at that ;)

I'm trying *real* hard not to swear....


Message 34703

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 15:04:56 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:55:26 +0100, Sealey, M=2E wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> Granted, but while the extra license fee JB proposed WOULD go to
> fund extra channels, the =A325 extra is for the usage of the bandwidth,
> and not to fund extra channels=2E=20

Wrong=2E Increasing the licence fee decreases the chances of peopl
moving over to digital, something which the government wants us yto
do very quickly so that they can sell off the analogue frequencies=2EThe
=A325 is to pay for extra BBC services=2E=2E=2E

> The BBC can afford Choice and News24
> perfectly well=2E

=2E=2E=2Ejust about, because these are low budget networks;Choice is basica=
a slightly more recent UK Gold (UKTV is a BBC/Flextech co-pro BTW), and
News24 is really nothing more than links for film from their existing
news facilities, and it isn't even a 24 hour channel, anyway; after Zero
30 finishes at 1am, it links up with BBC Prime and BBC World for rolling
news all night, referring to itself genericalls as "BBC News"=2E
> The way I was told, Sky Digital subscribers don't have to pay the
> extra =A325 because Sky aren't using any strange methods to get the
> channels to you
> Just how I was told it :)

You should slap whoever told you for making you look silly in front of
800 people :)

The digital licence fee (if it gets through, which I doubt it will)
applies to all people with access to digital television, whether it be
terrestrial, satellite or cable=2E They are even considering making it a
proper licence fee increase, with EVERYONE paying the extra =A325=2E
The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34704

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: 29 Oct 99 15:07:04 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:01:45 +0100 (BST), Alan L=2EM=2E Buxey wibbled=2E=2E=

> no no no=2E thats the *point* of the licence=2E you pay if you use the TV=
> receive *any* *broadcast* images=2E which bit dotn you understand? You
> have to pay even if you only watch ITV or Channel 4=2E you *dont* have to
> pay if you only use a display set (aka TV) to show images from a video

You do=2E If the TV has a UHF tuner, you pay the licence fee=2E The only wa=
to get around it is to get an engineer to remove the tuner from your
set, and watch video via SCART=2E

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34705

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:08:33 +0100
> > pay if you only use a display set (aka TV) to show images 
> You do. If the TV has a UHF tuner, you pay the licence fee. 

No you don't

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester 

Message 34706

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:10:32 +0100
> On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:55:26 +0100, Sealey, M. wibbled...
> > Granted, but while the extra license fee JB proposed WOULD go to
> > fund extra channels, the =A325 extra is for the usage of the=20
> > bandwidth, and not to fund extra channels.=20
> Wrong. Increasing the licence fee decreases the chances of peopl
> moving over to digital, something which the government wants us yto
> do very quickly so that they can sell off the analogue =
> =A325 is to pay for extra BBC services...

IN fact, you've just explained it pretty well. Except the =A325 does
not pay for extra channels - as the BBC say, the digital channels
are FREE, you just pay for the license to RECEIVE them.

> > The way I was told, Sky Digital subscribers don't have to pay the
> > extra =A325 because Sky aren't using any strange methods to get the
> > channels to you Just how I was told it :)
> You should slap whoever told you for making you look silly in front =
> 800 people :)
> The digital licence fee (if it gets through, which I doubt it will)
> applies to all people with access to digital television, whether it =
> terrestrial, satellite or cable. They are even considering making it =
> proper licence fee increase, with EVERYONE paying the extra =A325.

Really? Neat, then it's all fair :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester=20

Message 34707

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:02:46 +0100

> The way I was told, Sky Digital subscribers don't have to pay the
> extra =A325 because Sky aren't using any strange methods to get the
> channels to you - they're piggybacked onto a normal Satellite
> signal, in some unused transponder frequencies. Your box decodes
> them, of course.

the extra =A325 charge is intended for *all* digital viewers regardless=


Message 34708

From :"Oliver Marks" <>
Subject: [afb] flash rom
Date: 30 Oct 99 15:17:24 -0500

Is there anyway to remove the flash rom from ppc boads because i am
only going to use warpup programs from now on so i want to remove
every thing to do with phase 5 library.

Message 34709

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:55:28 +0100

>> And now they expect digital subscribers to pay =A325 extra, and
>> the BBC have the cheek to call their digital channels "free" !!

> They are, the extra =A325 is to pay for the privilege of receiving
> transmissions on the higher digital bands.


> That's pure license fee, not BBC stuff. If you have Sky then you
> needn't pay, obviously :)

Well I've obviously missed something - "That's pure license fee, not BB=
C stuff"
means nowt to me - what do you mean?


Message 34710

Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:23:05 +0100

> IN fact, you've just explained it pretty well. Except the =A325 does
> not pay for extra channels - as the BBC say, the digital channels
> are FREE, you just pay for the license to RECEIVE them.

Yeah, well there may be a technical difference there but if you have to=
 pay to
receive them then for all intents and purposes they're not free!!!


Message 34711

Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:28:41 -0700
> heh heh, hopefully he's not hoping on a software Warp3D driver :-)
> alan

Yeh, of course I am!  (ignore obvoius sarcasm)

I ordered it when I thought the BVision would be coming through the
door. At that point, it was abouut 6 weeks...


Message 34712

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Flash ROM - no worries
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:37:04 +0100 (BST)

> Is there anyway to remove the flash rom from ppc boads because i am
> only going to use warpup programs from now on so i want to remove
> every thing to do with phase 5 library.

just ignore it.. install the ppclibemu program and this will not only
get rid of the ppc.library , but also emaulte ppc.library function so if
you do accidentally run a ppc.library program, it wont screw things up


Message 34713

From :"James Potter" <>
Subject: [afb] Neil Wipes Out [Was: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!]
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:20:29 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Neil Bothwick <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!

> No. Psygnosis needed to see and test the game before they'd allow it to
> be released, but they don't have a PPC Amiga. So Digital Images needed
> to find someone with such a machine and close to Liverpool. I got
> volunteered.

Well let us know what they thought/think/will think, won't you?

> Neil



Message 34714

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts...
Date: 29 Oct 1999 15:28:34 +0100
Frost said, 

> Hi Neil

>> The problem is in the CD pressing. The gold masters work fine, I have
>> one here, but the production CDs have corrupted files. They are the same
>> size but have different checksums.

> Excellent! I mean, at least it's not my fault (for once). I've no problem
> with hanging on a bit for a fix, as long as I know there is one.

The fix is to download V3pre4 from Vapor and WebVision from Aminet. Less
hanging on that way :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Inland Revenue: We've got what it takes to take what you've got!

Message 34715

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 29 Oct 1999 15:32:51 +0100
Alan L.M. Buxey said, 

>> No. Psygnosis needed to see and test the game before they'd allow it to
>> be released, but they don't have a PPC Amiga. So Digital Images needed
>> to find someone with such a machine and close to Liverpool. I got
>> volunteered.

> duh! of course...i heard that your Amiga was commisioned! :-)

Who's been talking about me behind my back? (Don't all answer at once :)

> so, any raised eyebrows at Psygnosis then? :-)

They were rather surprised. I thought I was going to have to remove the
cover to prove it wasn't a PC with an Amiga sticker.

Maybe I should have taken a Workbench 1.3 disk and booted into a nice
blue and orange Workbench :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
.sig a .sog of sixpence.

Message 34716

From :Chris Andrews <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:54:32 +0000 (GMT)
On 29 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> Who's been talking about me behind my back? (Don't all answer at once :)

  It was mentioned on the 3DWorld list.  Sam Jordan or Andrew Korn, I

> They were rather surprised. I thought I was going to have to remove the
> cover to prove it wasn't a PC with an Amiga sticker.

  On the flip side of the coin, you did mention that it wasn't a 512k
A500 :)



Message 34717

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:03:26 +0100
> On 29 Oct 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > Who's been talking about me behind my back? (Don't all 
> > answer at once :)
> It was mentioned on the 3DWorld list.  Sam Jordan or Andrew Korn, I
> think.

It was Andrew Korn. Neil - is it true about the crowd of people
in Psygnosis' offices? All looking at what an Amiga can do?

Wow, eh?

> > They were rather surprised. I thought I was going to have 
> > to remove the cover to prove it wasn't a PC with an Amiga
> > sticker.
> On the flip side of the coin, you did mention that it wasn't a 512k
> A500 :)

Actually you should have said it *was* an A500 in a PC case,
and that it's barely upgraded, just to see people's head spin at
the thought, and then suddenly realise you were having them on :)

Just what *is* the spec of your miggy, Neil?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 34718

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:15:27 +0100 (BST)

> Who's been talking about me behind my back? (Don't all answer at once :)

well, I'm on the Warp3D coding list and we're all interested in how the
WO2097 had progressed
> They were rather surprised. I thought I was going to have to remove the
> cover to prove it wasn't a PC with an Amiga sticker.


> Maybe I should have taken a Workbench 1.3 disk and booted into a nice
> blue and orange Workbench :)

Psygnosis never did see a workbench did they - always dropped the OS ;-)


Message 34719

From :"Robert Smith" <>
Subject: [afb] Keeping the Faith
Date: 28 Oct 99 19:13:55 -0100
Hi  Everyone.Ihave just ordered 3.5 and the Silver Surfer from
Eyetech.There goes my pocket money for the next month.I  just hope
they live up to the reviews that they got in our favorite mag.I will
be ordering V3 next month all being well.Its a great way to stay poor
being a fan of the Amiga.
                               Best Regards,
                               East Yorkshire.


Message 34720

From :Colin Buckenham <>
Subject: [afb] Number of Daily E-Mails
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:42:12 +0100
Hello All

Can anybody tell me if I've missed anything?
I was under the impression that there was a daily limit of 150 mails on this
list, however I seem to be downloading 200+ almost every day. I wouldn't
mind so much if most of it wasn't such a waist of time and not even worth
the paper that it's not written on.

All the Best


In the land of the perfect the one eyed man is worthless.
But in the land of the blind the one eyed man is King


                                  100%  Amiga
                     Design,Printing &  Publishing 
                      for small charities and other
                  non-profit making organizations


Message 34721

From :"Stephen Ralph" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's new for 29-Oct-1999
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:50:05 +0100

A few comments on your recent e-mail....

You said this:-

> That means that we might never see another "Amiga" labeled machine, but
> does that really matter?

Just making that statement indicates how little you understand the Amiga

Take for example the Rolls Royce (just off the top of my head). Say for
example the company went bankrupt. The car itself got taken out of
production and a tender went out to find a new owner.

Following this the company goet taken over by some obscure American company
that then went bust and the Rolls Royce name got sold on to someone else who
then messed up and had to sell the Rolls Royce onto yet another company.

This final company promises to revamp the Rolls Royce design and release a
new Rolls Royce on the market. The Rolls Royce fans all get excited and are
continually promised something wonderful.

Then just when everyone was lead to believe that a new Rolls Royce was about
to be launched.... this new company turns round and says "sorry, no new car
will be released - however, we will incorporate parts of the proposed new
car into other cars such as Ford or Rover".

Can you see how disappointed people would be - how disgusted those RR fans
would be at being mislead.

You guys really do miss the point. Amiga was and still is about a custom
machine better than it's rivals - something special because it does what it
does better than the mainstream machines - just as Rolls Royce does for the
motor industry.

Do you see my point!

> In the fierce loyalty department, it might, because there's not
> going to be a single banner to rally behind, instead there will be
> dozens, all who share the common soul of using Amiga technology.
> Instead of a single "Amiga MCC", we might see things like a
> "Gateway Destination II", or a "Sony Ethos laptop" or even a
> "3Com Boing! PDA".

So what..... it's still not an Amiga with custom processors married to
custom software Operating System which is what the Amiga community wanted
all along and what we all hoped for and still do.

> Each machine different in it's design and
> purpose but each sharing common roots.  Each capable of talking
> between one another without having the problems that Windows
> machines are just now beginning to think about fixing. In the
> end, we might see literally hundreds of machines and
> "Internet/Convergence appliances" based on the new Amiga
> technology rather the old way of putting out one new model every
> year and a half.

Yep that's what you folks intended all along - lead us up a blind ally
because that isn't what the Amiga community wanted you to do with all the
Amiga patents - truly a betrayal of trust which is why many people are now
anti Gateway and Amiga Inc..

> Is it your so-called "classic Amiga"?  Certainly not.  Are the
> pending changes to the Amiga universe for everyone?   Probably
> not, but in our opinions here at AO, it's going to be a VERY
> interesting ride.

Well, it`ll be your own happy ride because the Amiga Community won't be
supporting you - I'm sure Amiga users will now turn to the Phoenix Platform
Consortium or forget you altogether and sadly just go with a PC/Mac.

> Your Opinions?

You just got them.

Best Wishes,


Message 34722

From :"Stephen Ralph" <>
Subject: [afb] Reply to that AO Newsletter.....
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:51:24 +0100

A few comments on your recent e-mail....

You said this:-

> That means that we might never see another "Amiga" labelled machine, but
> does that really matter?

Just making that statement indicates how little you understand the Amiga

Take for example the Rolls Royce (just off the top of my head). Say for
example the company went bankrupt. The car itself got taken out of
production and a tender went out to find a new owner.

Following this the company goet taken over by some obscure American company
that then went bust and the Rolls Royce name got sold on to someone else who
then messed up and had to sell the Rolls Royce onto yet another company.

This final company promises to revamp the Rolls Royce design and release a
new Rolls Royce on the market. The Rolls Royce fans all get excited and are
continually promised something wonderful.

Then just when everyone was lead to believe that a new Rolls Royce was about
to be launched.... this new company turns round and says "sorry, no new car
will be released - however, we will incorporate parts of the proposed new
car into other cars such as Ford or Rover".

Can you see how disappointed people would be - how disgusted those RR fans
would be at being mislead.

You guys really do miss the point. Amiga was and still is about a custom
machine better than it's rivals - something special because it does what it
does better than the mainstream machines - just as Rolls Royce does for the
motor industry.

Do you see my point!

> In the fierce loyalty department, it might, because there's not
> going to be a single banner to rally behind, instead there will be
> dozens, all who share the common soul of using Amiga technology.
> Instead of a single "Amiga MCC", we might see things like a
> "Gateway Destination II", or a "Sony Ethos laptop" or even a
> "3Com Boing! PDA".

So what..... it's still not an Amiga with custom processors married to
custom software Operating System which is what the Amiga community wanted
all along and what we all hoped for and still do.

> Each machine different in it's design and
> purpose but each sharing common roots.  Each capable of talking
> between one another without having the problems that Windows
> machines are just now beginning to think about fixing. In the
> end, we might see literally hundreds of machines and
> "Internet/Convergence appliances" based on the new Amiga
> technology rather the old way of putting out one new model every
> year and a half.

Yep that's what you folks intended all along - lead us up a blind ally
because that isn't what the Amiga community wanted you to do with all the
Amiga patents - truly a betrayal of trust which is why many people are now
anti Gateway and Amiga Inc..

> Is it your so-called "classic Amiga"?  Certainly not.  Are the
> pending changes to the Amiga universe for everyone?   Probably
> not, but in our opinions here at AO, it's going to be a VERY
> interesting ride.

Well, it`ll be your own happy ride because the Amiga Community won't be
supporting you - I'm sure Amiga users will now turn to the Phoenix Platform
Consortium or forget you altogether and sadly just go with a PC/Mac.

> Your Opinions?

You just got them.

Best Wishes,


Old planets never die - they just lose their attraction :o)

Message 34723

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:10:57 +0100
Hello M.

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:
>> You do. 

> No you don't

  Could one of you gentlemen write a summary of this afternoon's debate
now that it seems to be over? 

  Patrice - Stopped watching TV last April, and feels much better.

Message 34724

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously Unstable Amiga Shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:40:10 +0100

> I touched the radiator (a quick tap) before exposing the guts of my
> miggy, to get rid of any charge that may have accumulated in day2day
> life. I didn't STAY attached.

  Phew! What a relief... that reminds me of an attempt I'd made to cut off
an old loudspeaker's wire with my teeth, sitting in a damp cellar and
holding firmly to the radiator.
  Pity I had forgotten to unplug it from my antique radio set, which was on!

  Patrice - still counting his lucky stars

Message 34725

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Number of Daily E-Mails
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:43:01 +0100
  Hello, Colin!

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:

> I was under the impression that there was a daily limit of 150 mails on=
 this list,

  So THAT's why I was not allowed to express myself on Monday, 18 Oct. 20=
00 -1 ! =

> however I seem to be downloading 200+ almost every day.

  Great, ain't it?

> I wouldn't mind so much if most of  it wasn't such a waist of time

  Sure, it sometimes flows you up to the waste!

> All the Best

  As I previously quoted "if anyone tells you he thought you were someone=


  ;-) Patrice

Message 34726

From :Jani =??Q?M=E4kitalo?= <>
Subject: [afb] Slight PPC and keymap probs...
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:29:17 +0200

I have been experiencing an odd problem with my PPC (200mHz / 040) since
I bought it a year or so ago; when my comp crashes and goes GURUing, it
fails to find my CD-drive on the following boot. I have to boot
manually once more before it is found again... oh, and I cannot see the
GURU screen- havent been able to see those OR the "insert OS disk"
screen since I installed the card...

A minor problem, really, but an annoying one. I am using Idefix to run
my 4-way adapter but have recently ditched the rest of the software in
favor of AmiCDFS.

On a related note... I moved my Amiga into a (Power) Tower, and have
been unable to use the aposthrope (sp?) ever since. I installed a
proper (Finnish) keymap, but the key gives me a backslash (\) instead.
I have been using the symbol that properly belongs over a or e letters
in the meantime (), but it appears other people see it as number four.
-__- On the very same key, the multiplication symbol (*) gives me a
vertical bar (|) instead. Is this the fault of the chip that does the
PC-Amiga key translations?

- Jani

Message 34727

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 29 Oct 1999 18:49:17 +0100
Sealey, M. said, 

> It was Andrew Korn. Neil - is it true about the crowd of people
> in Psygnosis' offices? All looking at what an Amiga can do?

Something like that. There was one person testing the game and another
eight or so watching. But it wasn't the same eight all the time, people
kept popping in to see what it was like.

> Just what *is* the spec of your miggy, Neil?

An A500+ in a tower case.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Self-explanatory": technospeak for "Incomprehensible & undocumented"

Message 34728

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 29 Oct 99 19:39:55 +0000
On 29 Oct 1999 18:49:17 +0100, Neil Bothwick ( wrote:
> Sealey, M. said, 
> > It was Andrew Korn. Neil - is it true about the crowd of people
> > in Psygnosis' offices? All looking at what an Amiga can do?
> Something like that. There was one person testing the game and another
> eight or so watching. But it wasn't the same eight all the time, people
> kept popping in to see what it was like.

So I take it that Psygnosis were impressed.  I hope so.  And what do you
think of the game - how does it compare to the Playstation and PC versions?
> > Just what *is* the spec of your miggy, Neil?
> An A500+ in a tower case.

No, not that one - the one you took to Psygnosis  ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 34729

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:05:20 +0100
On 27-Oct-99, Alex Furmanski wrote:

> some handy features (like remembering passwords, form entries etc). I like
> it. So shoot me. I can like good software if I want.

So does Voyager :) Helped alot when I applied for the egg. card

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

Oxymoron: Upside-down Logic.

Message 34730

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Dealer's Association Suing Amiga
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:13:39 +0100
On 28-Oct-99, Daniel Thornton wrote:

> And wasn't ADA the post office woman in Postman Pat?

Wasn't that Granny Gogins? or something?

                               Matthew O'Neill

Women:  Fuck them, forget them, and rotate them like tires.

Message 34731

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Shopper & Ben
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:14:56 +0100
On 27-Oct-99, Ben Vost wrote:
>> True but then again you do work for the same company that produces AF.
>> So how copyright would affect it in that way.  Would it be in theory
>> that if you decided to put other Future mag frontcovers in AF without
>> asking. Would that break copyright then?

> I guess it would, but it would never happen because it would be so much
> easier to ask them for the covers 

Future sueing it'self? hmm, novel idea there

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

Stop spelling misteaks: use error correcting modems.

Message 34732

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben, my promise...
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:17:54 +0100
On 28-Oct-99, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

> dont forget that AmigaOS 3.5 *hasnt* been under development since os3.1
> - if it had, we'd all be expecting a wonderous, fantastic thing. its
> been under development for approx. 6 months. as such, they had to get
> to grips with the OS etc and I think what they've done with the OS seems
> to be fine and i'd rate it as a successful operation

But the majority of the features are just existing hacks slightly changed to
be more system friendly, and even those time-out :/ .......


Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

People sweat so they won't catch fire when making love.

Message 34733

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:24:51 +0100
On 28-Oct-99, wrote:

> This hack is a pain in the backside isn't it? The problem is that  I
> can't do without it now as Workbench will look ugly. It does have an
> annoying high crashing rate. Is there anything I can do to fix this,
> like change the position of it in the Startup Sequence. Any ideas?

Use visual prefs :) I have my active windows in blue with a light and dark
blue for shadows. The same for inactive windows, but in green

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

Confucius say: Man that have sex with hole in ground have piece on earth.

Message 34734

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:25:49 +0100
On 27-Oct-99, wrote:

> I've never had any trouble with Arq messing up my miggy, even with

But do you have dopus? Dopus has it's own inbuilt arq type thing

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

Yo mama's feet so big, she got to have license plates for her shoes.

Message 34735

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] EGG
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:27:32 +0100

does voyager have 128-bit encryption? Egg tells me Mine doesn't go high
enough, and when I accessed it on the pc I noticed it had used a 128 bit
SSL link

                               Matthew O'Neill

Best diet: Eat as much as you want, but don't swallow it.

Message 34736

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:33:04 +0100
Somewhere around 28-Oct-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: Modem
And BT Trouble

> Hi Ken
> My point was that when they sold it off and it became private, things
> improved - so why did they have to sell it off for that to happen? Surely
> they could have just run it *as if* it were a private company but keep it
> government owned.

Privatisation = improvement !??? hahaha my arse does it. NAme 1 service
which has improved because of this. The railways? I think we can instantly
dismiss that. government owned stuff is geared towards the user. Privatised
companies screw the customer so that 10 fat bastards at the top can have a
10 bonus each year

Mash - private
                               Matthew O'Neill

A man shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth

Message 34737

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:18:42 +0100
Hi Neil
Somewhere around 28-Oct-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: OS3.5
has arrived !!!

> I deny it, but who mentioned the net? You said 2everything". Does
> Imagine use MUI? Does WordWorth use MUI? Do Photogenics and ImageFX use
> MUI?

> Does Workbench use MUI?

If they did, they would be better

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

I am Butthead of Borg. Assimilation! he he.

Message 34738

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Poll: is Richard Drummond evil?
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:20:19 +0100
On 28-Oct-99, Peter Gordon wrote:

>>> OK - who subscribed me to the Monty Python list??  :)

>> Not me (said in a gruff voice while wearing a false beard....)

> Stop it! This is getting far too silly.

I know....bloody vikings!.... ;)

Mash - "Every sperm is sacred...."
                               Matthew O'Neill

We have engaged the Borg.  The wedding is Friday!

Message 34739

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:28:43 +0100
On 28-Oct-99, Ben Vost wrote:

>> live in a government nuclear shelter with the ole lead lined walls

> I already do, but you get shit reception...

Stick an ariel above ground then ;)

(ps. Oi!, ya bastard!, you just had a go at me about my language!

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

dh0:c/BREAKFAST Halted .... Cereal port not responding!

Message 34740

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mr Cheapskate finds yet another bargain that isn't... HD help please :(
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:01:09 +0100
On 28-Oct-99, Anthony Prime wrote:

>> Quick format?

> As it's a "pre-owned" hard drive I'd like to do a full format so I can
> see what I'm dealing with.

quick format = correct method
full format = dead drive

So don't do it! (unless its a SCSI)

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

URA Redneck if: Your CB antenna is a danger to low-flying planes.

Message 34741

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Will you be buying OS3.5?
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:31:25 +0100
On 27-Oct-99, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> (Any system that keeps cookies for different users in the same place is
> broken. Hugely.)

Never been to our college then? Bloody NT peice of crap...fershen...rershen

Mash - 
                               Matthew O'Neill

You tell 'em Bean, He's stringing you.

Message 34742

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:16:01 +0100
On 27-Oct-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Net software isn't the only reason to use the Amiga. And moderate your
> language please or I'll have to.

/me watches it spiraling down the drain

> Neil didn't say anything about net software, besides which you're arguing

Well I was. Using MUI frees the programmer from spending ages getting a half
decent GUI, giving more time actually program. 

> with the wrong person since Neil is a fervent supporter of THOR and AWeb
> which don't use MUI, and Miami which doesn't need to.

So, I can always try can't I ?

Mash - The cucumber kid (you don't wanna know what I did last night!....)
                               Matthew O'Neill

Typesetters DO IT between periods.

Message 34743

From :"Dean Love" <>
Subject: [afb] The Lycos TV Advert
Date: 29 Oct 99 17:26:41 +0000
I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but has anyone seen
the advertisement for Lycos on British TV. At one point it zooms out
and shows the Lycos site being displayed on a black moniter that looks
like the proposed MCC moniter case.
So either (1) I'm going blind,
                (2) I'm going mad,
                (3) Amiga have a strong policy on throwing nothing
           or,(4) Lycos are going to enter the hardware buissiness and
                     make the MCC (wishful thinking, I know)

Dean Love --- ICQ:34946969
It all makes sense: Amiga are in league with Sony.

Message 34744

From :"Alex Thyer" <>
Subject: [afb] Amiga DVD CDR USB all that
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 20:02:27 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

I`ve just found out that the iiwn-corp are releasing a set of
drivers and software to make Amigas compatible withe most new

Alex Thyer

Content-Type: text/html;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" http-equiv=3DContent-Type=
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.2014.210" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>I`ve just found out that the iiwn-corp are releasing a =
set =

of<BR>drivers and software to make Amigas compatible withe most =

new<BR>technology!<BR><A =

href=3D""></A><BR><BR>Alex Thyer<BR=
><A =




Message 34745

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 20:58:11 +0100
Hello Matthew

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Confucius say: Man that have sex with hole in the ground have piece on earth

  Wish I could give you both a peace of my mind!


Message 34746

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:23:12 +0100
Hello Matthew

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Privatisation = improvement !??? hahaha my arse does it.

  I certainly would have put it another way, but this deserves another pint


Message 34747

From :"David C. Stevens" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga DVD CDR USB all that
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:35:42 -0400
> Alex Thyer wrote:
> I`ve just found out that the iiwn-corp are releasing a set of
> drivers and software to make Amigas compatible withe most new
> technology!

Do you have a more complete ULR for the set of drivers and software to
make the Amiga compatible with the new technology?

               <>+<>                 //////      __v__        __\/__
   `\|||/      /---\     """""""    | _ - |     (_____)   .  / ^  _ \ .
    (q p)     | o o |   <^-@-@-^>  (| o O |)    .(O O),   |\| (o)(o) |/|
David C. Stevens                  | Amiga 2000, WildFire 060/50 mhz
Berlin, New Jersey 08009-1618     | 72 megs ram, 2 megs graphics, 3.1 OS        | Miami 3.0a, IBrowes, Voyager 2.88 | Dell Dimension XPS P166c, 128 megs
In the end, there can be only one!| Netscape Communicator Professional

Message 34748

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] BT rate
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 20:48:12 +0100

    I see BT have lowered ther local evening rate to the same price of there
weekend rate to 1p a min (5p min still applies though :-(

So now will change to BT for weekdays then back to my normal phone company for
weekend rates of 0.076p per min

See You
                 Cheers all the best



Message 34749

Subject: [afb] My OS 3.5 trauma!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:50:51 -0700
I have had UNBELIEVABLE trouble getting this installed!
I have been offline for a day due to it. 

I think I am now 95% 'there'... I will elaborate more if anyone is

Steven Holmes

Message 34750

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My OS 3.5 trauma!
Date: 29 Oct 99 20:52:55 +0100
in a fit of rage  Steven said something about [afb] My OS 3.5 trauma!

> I have had UNBELIEVABLE trouble getting this installed!
> I have been offline for a day due to it. 

> I think I am now 95% 'there'... I will elaborate more if anyone is
> interested.

I for one could do with a godd laugh ;)

Cheers for now.
Anthony Prime
>>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 34751

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Keeping the Faith
Date: 29 Oct 99 20:56:24 +0100
in a fit of rage Robert Smith said something about [afb] Keeping the Faith

> Hi  Everyone.Ihave just ordered 3.5 and the Silver Surfer from
> Eyetech.There goes my pocket money for the next month.I  just hope
> they live up to the reviews that they got in our favorite mag.I will
> be ordering V3 next month all being well.Its a great way to stay poor
> being a fan of the Amiga.

If you don't have Netconnect 2, I would seriously consider Netconnect
3, as against V3, lots of extras for not much more cache (sic)

Cheers for now.
Anthony Prime
>>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 34752

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mr Cheapskate finds yet another bargain that isn't... HD help please :(
Date: 29 Oct 99 20:57:20 +0100
in a fit of rage Matthew O'Neill said something about [afb] Re: Mr Cheapskate finds yet another bargain that isn't... HD help please :(

> >> Quick format?

> > As it's a "pre-owned" hard drive I'd like to do a full format so I can
> > see what I'm dealing with.

> quick format = correct method
> full format = dead drive

Naah. I do it all the time! Full format is OK, IIRC it's a low level
format that will finish what the previous owner started :)

> So don't do it! (unless its a SCSI)

They did have a few, and I do have a squirrel, maybe next time...

Anthony Prime
>>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 34753

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Shopper
Date: 29 Oct 99 20:57:47 +0100
> On 25-Oct-99, Peter Gordon wrote:

> Yeah, and they always dropped a free issue in the post if you had a
> contribution on the coverdisk, which was nice :)

And they paid 25 for the letter of the monh, which came in very handy

Cheers for now.

Anthony Prime
>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 34754

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Worried? Call Paranoia-800
Date: 29 Oct 99 20:58:24 +0100
Hi Paul

> > > I'm using Genesis and it only shows the interface being
> > > used (which for any normal person would be enough ;)).
> > > It's log file gives the same info.

> > Why not create a new interface something like "wirenet0800",
> > and then you can whats what as you connect, while you are
> > connected and on the log. Is that enough for you?  ;)

> That's what I'm doing, and it not /quite/ enough for Mr Paranoid here,
> I'm afraid. Come on peeps, keep trying :)

Jeez, that guy sure is paranoid ;)

>>Anthony Prime

> Paul C, wondering why Mr Prime has been so quiet recently

Well it's a combination of things really, the phone bill for one 8). A
new job for another, meaning less spare time while I find my feet, oh
and I subscribed to the Amigactive list and my brain froze at the
prospect of 400+ mails a day. Unsubbed now, so you have my full
attention... Lucky or what ;)

That said my wife starts maternity leave in a couple of weeks and I
usually keep up with the mail when she's working late shift, so
domestic circumstances may mean I remain quiet for some time. But
don't worry I'm still going to be lurking, but it could be days before
I read threads and by then it's usually pointless adding to them
(Wastes bandwidth dontcha know Mr Bothwick ;)

Cheers for now.

Anthony Prime
>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 34755

From :"Godzilla" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:07:30 -0700
> >> because os3.5 is the *OS* whereas their programs are specialised utils
> >> and apps that not everyone should need or have. Warp3D is an API to
> >> evolve the Amiga...and thats working..and WarpOS is likewise.
> >> If people arent buying the latest OS for the machine...then what
> > You make absolutely ZERO sense in what you have just said.. and I can't
> > anything to link what you just said to what I asked...
> > I asked why they need to sell so many copies to justify development when
> > they don't sell that many copies of anything else and spend as much
> > on the others.
> Hi Jack
> I *think* what Alan was trying to say is that if they don't sell enough of
> new OS then from their point of view the platform would be dead.  After
all, any
> new software they produce would presumably be built ontop of OS3.5, and if
> don't sell enough it's game over.  (Correct me if I'm worng Alan)
> RobM

If a software company doesn't sell enough of ANY title the platform is dead
for them... I still don't get the relevance.

And I don't think OS 3.5 is so new and revolutionary that new software would
be OS 3.5 specific and couldn't run on OS 3.1 machines.


Message 34756

From :"Godzilla" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:21:55 -0700
> What I said did make sense, but you have to look at it in the same way.
> The OS is the main programming environment for the machine. It is a far
> more direct register of active Amiga users than sales of StormC or how
> many downloads of Warp3D happen (after all, only developers buy StormC -
> and even then, people use vbcc) and only people with 3D gfx cards use
> Warp3D - and they're not available for sale right now :-|
> also, future programs will be using os3.5 functions - the new printer
> management, new aml.library, hdwrench, icon system, ARexx functions etc
> etc.
> and finally, they can sell 5,000 units of their main stable programs
> because its a small dev. team and the units cost a lot - 180 ukp for
> StormC .  Os3.5 was a bigger team, more logistics, and is 35 ukp.
> even basic scaling shows they need to sell 4 times as many units to make
> the same money...for a bigger dev. team
> alan

I understand a little better now what you were trying to say.. not that I
agree, but I understand.

Let me start by saying that I pre-ordered it the day it was possible (And it
showed up today! I'll install it later.... I suppose it took longer to get
it to America from Germany...)

Anyway, for starters I don't think OS 3.5 is sooo different from OS 3.1 that
software will have to really be developed much different.. aren't they still
using Class Act? (Or Reactor..) can't they just make a Reactor patch for OS
3.1? I know of a few people that aren't buying OS 3.5 because it's about as
different from OS 3.1 as Win98 is from Win95... a good deal of the PC users
(And most big Networks) are waiting for Windows 2000 to make the big OS
switch... I also believe that more Amiga users would make the switch to a
dramaticaly different OS 4.0 than are willing to shell out money for OS 3.5
when it's not that different.. my point in this is that it's NOT an accurate
picture of how many people are left in the Amiga community... because a lot
aren't buying it.. (And don't consider Ben's Poll on people that did,
didn't, will and won't buy OS 3.5 accurate either because it was a splinter
fragment of Amiga users and didn't represent but 10% of the AFB users which
includes a minute ammount of American users. (I'm one of the only Americans
I know on this list..)

I really think there would be a better showing of Amiga users for a truly
updated OS... Which is a part of the reason I bought OS 3.5, as did many
others... to support the real update...

Regardless.. for profit's sake... I think they'll make their money back
easily. I think sales figures of 30-40,000 are ludicrous. (Although God
bless them if they get it!)


Message 34757

From :"Godzilla" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My OS 3.5 trauma!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:33:01 -0700
> I have had UNBELIEVABLE trouble getting this installed!
> I have been offline for a day due to it. 
> I think I am now 95% 'there'... I will elaborate more if anyone is
> interested.
> Steven Holmes

I'm interested. Do tell.

Jack (About to do the OS 3.5 install himself!)

Message 34758

From :"Paolo Rinaldi" <>
Subject: [afb] Floppy problems
Date: 29 Oct 99 22:36:43 +0100
Hi to all,
today I discovered a strange problem with my system: quite often when
I insert a disk into the drive my workbench freezes (icons are not
redrawn, the menus don't work) but if I uniconify DOpus everything
works fine from there...I tried it on DOpus in WBR but everything was
This happens with both low and high density disks in both of
my drives... I don't know when it all started because it's a lot of
time since I last used floppies ;-)
BTW I'm using OS 3.1 with both ROMs and software (3.5 is arriving).
So, has anybody got any ideas about that?

Thanks for your help,

... Monday is an awful way to spend one seventh of your life.

Amiga 1200  040 + 603e 200 MHz, 24 Mb Fast, HD 1 GB, CD 24x
Paolo Rinaldi        

Message 34759

Subject: [afb] Re: My OS 3.5 trauma!
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:51:29 -0700
"anthony prime" <> wrote: 
original article:
> in a fit of rage  Steven said something about [afb] My OS 3.5 trauma!
> > I have had UNBELIEVABLE trouble getting this installed!
> > I have been offline for a day due to it. 
> > I think I am now 95% 'there'... I will elaborate more if anyone is
> > interested.
> I for one could do with a godd laugh ;)

A godd laugh?? ;-)


Got OS 3.5 out of the box, gave the instructions a brief glimpse...
Chucked my CD in and ran the install program...
Got through the preliminaries of the installer, and was promptly told
'not enough space on Workbench'. Bugger!
I was told I needed 20Mb of free space, and I only had 13... What to

I decided I'd back up my HD to CDRW (gloat ;-)  ) and re-partition it.
Got out MakeCD and my one and only CDRW disc and set to work... 
I grabbed the contents of all my partitions - Workbench, Work and
Games, not forgetting the hidden drawers on Workbench. Trouble was I
forgot about the hidden 'mui' drawer on Work, which would later on piss
me off greatly.
Set up MakeCD to write to a data file first after getting buffer
under-runs whilst attempting 'direct to CD'. That bit took about an
hour, and another hour or so to copy to CD. It finished, but I couldn't
work out if it had written to CD or not, so tried it in my SCSI CD ROM
drive (bad mistake, it can't read multi-session CD's as I later
As the CD didn't show up on my SCSI drive (well it wouldn't would it?!)
I thought it hadn't written... Did the entire backing up process again
from the start... Another 2+ hours wasted.

When I had a backup made (after I realised about the SCSI CD drive) I
dug out my 3.1 disks and booted up from the 'Install3.1' disk. This was
slightly confusing to see again after so much time, and I wasted
another =BD hour trying to remember how to use HDToolbox to re-partition.
Finally got that sorted (39Mb Workbench, 1400Mb something or another
each for the other two partitions).
Formatted all 3 partitions.

Dug out my IDEFix CD=B3=B2 emulator floppy to initialise my CD ROM drive to
copy the contents of my backup CD back to my partitions. Workbench took
a short while, but Work took bloody AGES! Another couple of hours gone.
Re-booted and PREinstalled, then INSTALLED OS3.5.
Tried to boot up my internet software... No joy... Tried a browser...

It was now late and I had to be up for work, so I jacked in for the

Tonight I installed the contents of my 'Games' directory from CDRW to
my new 'Games' partition. Another hour or so...
Why the bloody hell isn't my old backdrop working?? Looked at my
patterns drawer... Everything is O.K. there... Looked at my
removes them all to a 'disabled' datatypes drawer! Grrrr!). Spent
another 20 minutes or so moving my datatype files back to where they

Dug out my ZIP with lha backups of my internet software (YAM,
IBrowse2.1 etc) on and ran the install scripts for the software with
destination as RAM: to re-install the MUI mcc's. Still had some
missing... Realised they were for a browser I don't use much, and of
course Genesis... Dug about a bit more and found the relevant mcc's.
Installed them.
Plenty messing about with 'IconEdit' and snapshotting... Re-boot...
Hmmm not bad! The datatypes were re-instated and my usual backdrop
popped up as normal (an Astra pic from the Vauxhall website). 
Realised that they have done something to the backdrop software that
makes the picture scroll. This is crap! 

Successfully got back onto the Internet after more than a day away. YAY!

All that is left now is a bit of snapshotting and a LOT of
testing/experimenting. A lot has changed... Some for the better, some
for the worse. Not at all sure about these new icons. I always was a
CBM 4 colour minimalist though... Maybe I'll have to get used to it!

Hope you enjoyed my (mixed tense, admittedely) story of woe! ;-)

Steven Holmes

Message 34760

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The Lycos TV Advert
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:06:57 +0000
Hi Everybody,
> I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but has anyone seen
> the advertisement for Lycos on British TV. At one point it zooms out
> and shows the Lycos site being displayed on a black moniter that looks
> like the proposed MCC moniter case.
> So either (1) I'm going blind,
>                (2) I'm going mad,
>                (3) Amiga have a strong policy on throwing nothing
>                      away,
>           or,(4) Lycos are going to enter the hardware buissiness and
>                     make the MCC (wishful thinking, I know)

      you forgot (5):  You have an over-active imagination, stay off the =
coffee for a few days....     ;)

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
After we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is NOT our friend!

Message 34761

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:21:00 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> Anyway, for starters I don't think OS 3.5 is sooo different from OS 3.1=
> software will have to really be developed much different.. aren't they =
> using Class Act? (Or Reactor..) can't they just make a Reactor patch fo=
r OS
> 3.1? I know of a few people that aren't buying OS 3.5 because it's abou=
t as
> different from OS 3.1 as Win98 is from Win95...

   Yep, I'm not buying OS3.5 simply because it only does what I already h=
ave. I've got MUI and classact, I've got internet software, I've got alot=
a nice patches that make my WB look good, and I've got a real OS as well =
(Linux, sic :). Not to mention that big lumbering thing, you know, Windoz=

> a good deal of the PC users
> (And most big Networks) are waiting for Windows 2000 to make the big OS=

> switch... I also believe that more Amiga users would make the switch to=
> dramaticaly different OS 4.0 than are willing to shell out money for OS=
> when it's not that different..

   I completely agree with that too. If OS3.5 actually added something ne=
w, I'd have already brought it :)

> my point in this is that it's NOT an accurate
> picture of how many people are left in the Amiga community... because a=
> aren't buying it.. (And don't consider Ben's Poll on people that did,
> didn't, will and won't buy OS 3.5 accurate either because it was a spli=
> fragment of Amiga users and didn't represent but 10% of the AFB users w=
> includes a minute ammount of American users. (I'm one of the only Ameri=
> I know on this list..)

   Many things could be read into the turnout of that poll.... =

> I really think there would be a better showing of Amiga users for a tru=
> updated OS... Which is a part of the reason I bought OS 3.5, as did man=
> others... to support the real update...

   I don't believe we'll see a decent OS for Amiga any more, no-one seems=
 to have the will to do it... :(

> Regardless.. for profit's sake... I think they'll make their money back=

> easily. I think sales figures of 30-40,000 are ludicrous. (Although God=

> bless them if they get it!)

   ~30,000 sales? Are there that many of us actually left in the world?  =

Anyway, I actually feel that the time developing OS3.5 could have been mu=
ch better spent actually giving the amiga os a decent overhaul, I'm sorry=
 H&P.  =

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Success is like a fart - only your own smells nice.
-- James P. Hogan

Message 34762

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] zorro
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:29:23 +0100

I have just bought a tower setup with a 1260/50 and scsi device plus a ONBoard
+ adapter + Zorro board with scsi HDs (2) and a ide HD + 32speed CD-ROM (got
all this 2nd hand) 

Anyone got this ONBoard as would like info' (manual all in German)
I'm now ready to get graphics card now which one (does it have to be from an
Amiga dealer, which I might get it from anyway but would like to know) just
use it for normal stuff like the Internet also use my scsi scanner alot (an

I use ScanTool which came with it also use ADPro v2.5 which is brill' best
software ever (well I think so:-)

So which is best for me, also whats the price like any info will be much

          Cheers all the best



Message 34763

From :"Bill Hoggett" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Neil Wipes Out [Was: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!]
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:02:35 +0100
From: James Potter []
Subject: [afb] Neil Wipes Out [Was: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!]

>From: Neil Bothwick <>

>> No. Psygnosis needed to see and test the game before they'd allow it to
>> be released, but they don't have a PPC Amiga. So Digital Images needed
>> to find someone with such a machine and close to Liverpool. I got
>> volunteered.

>Well let us know what they thought/think/will think, won't you?

D'oh! I've just realised where the 'Wire' in WireNet comes from...

You must forgive me folks, I'm just a bit slow.  ;)

Bill Hoggett

Message 34764

From :Alexander Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:48:23 +0000
Hello? Can this thread get any more off topic, please? =P

Someone might want to check at (IIRC) which is some
sort of uk law search engine. I'm sure there'll be some definitive guide to
the TV Licence on there and we can go back to something more Amiga
related.. like.. um.. <)

-curry watching his amiga play his poing levels 

Message 34765

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Keeping the Faith
Date: 29 Oct 99 18:50:44 +0100
On 28 Oct 99 19:13:55 -0100, Robert Smith wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> Hi  Everyone=2EIhave just ordered 3=2E5 and the Silver Surfer from
> Eyetech=2EThere goes my pocket money for the next month=2EI  just hope
> they live up to the reviews that they got in our favorite mag=2EI will
> be ordering V3 next month all being well=2EIts a great way to stay poor
> being a fan of the Amiga=2E

I ordered one from Power on Friday and received it Tuesday; I'm mightily
impressed - a noticeable speed improvement, and it's not even causing
problems on my 1D4 motherboard=2E

The only thing I could say is wrong with it is that the cable is a
little too short; I wanted to have the port in that empty slot on the
back of the 1200, but instead had to cut a small bit out of the casing,
because the only other option was to have it hanging off the side of the
desk :/

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34766

From :"Darren" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HELP- Checksum error
Date: 29 Oct 99 21:08:09 +0000
> Hi,
> > I get the message "Checksum Error at Block xxxx". I also get the "Volume
> > not Validated" error message.
> I think I got this sort of problem a while ago, where my hd wouldn't
> validate its self.
> I managed to fix this without formatting it. I used QuaterBackTools to
> repair it, though I had to run it a couple of times to get it working.
> I think I also managed to lose a few files by not waiting for the HD to stop
> doing things before using QBTools, so exercise caution and patience.
> hope this helps
> -curry
Thanks for the help and advice. I am now up and running again without
the loss of too much data. Now if this was a PC running windoze.......

email :
Isn't it nice having a computer that only needs booting once per day !

Message 34767

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : duplicating CDs
Date: 29 Oct 99 19:17:58 +0000
According to Neil, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : some thoughts....

> >> He should be entitled to a lot more than that. There's the cost of
> >> sending out all the replacements,
> > I didn't think that would be necessary. Most people by now will have
> > downloaded working versions.
> It may not be necessary, but people would be entitled to a working CD.
> If that means Chris gets 1000 replacement CDs and only has to send out
> 500, good luck to him.

Well, yeah. Go Wilesy, go Wilesy.... (etc etc as before).

> Neil, who eats more carefully than Paul

See this people? Now even Neil has started copying me? Tch.

Paul C, falling to his feet
... Q: How many Oxford Uni students does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    A: Just one. He holds the light bulb and the universe revolves around him.

Message 34768

From :"Oliver Masters" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga DVD CDR USB all that
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:10:45 +0200
> > Alex Thyer wrote:
> >
> > I`ve just found out that the iiwn-corp are releasing a set of
> > drivers and software to make Amigas compatible withe most new
> > technology!
> >
> Do you have a more complete ULR for the set of drivers and software to
> make the Amiga compatible with the new technology?

I thought this had turned out to be a total crock of s**t quite a while ago
now and was therefore a pretty dead subject?

I may be wrong.

thAOUGht On-Line User Group Member
thOAUGht meet in #AmigaZone on DalNet IRC.
Visit for more info on #AmigaZone and thAOUGht.

Message 34769

From :Paul Crellin <>
Subject: [afb] Next Day Delivery?
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:13:33 +0000
Hello AFBers at large,

Anyone know who Power use to deliver their stuff 'cause I ordered some ki=
t yesterday morning at 09:15 and payed for next day delivery.

By now I expected to be fondling my Logitech trackball and struggling to =
install OS 3.5 as I've forgoten to order OS 3.1.

Why do I need 3.1 anyway?

Any information will be valuble as I know nothing.

Bye for now, P.C.

Message 34770

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: 29 Oct 1999 20:43:36 +0100
Kevin Fairhurst said, 

> On 29 Oct 1999 18:49:17 +0100, Neil Bothwick ( wrote:

>> Something like that. There was one person testing the game and another
>> eight or so watching. But it wasn't the same eight all the time, people
>> kept popping in to see what it was like.

> So I take it that Psygnosis were impressed.  I hope so.  And what do you
> think of the game - how does it compare to the Playstation and PC versions?

I don't have the PS or PC versions, but their playtester said it was a
faithful conversion.

>> > Just what *is* the spec of your miggy, Neil?

>> An A500+ in a tower case.

> No, not that one - the one you took to Psygnosis  ;-)

That's it. If I had anything better, I'd have a ten line sig describing
it :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small package.

Message 34771

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: 29 Oct 1999 20:47:14 +0100
Matthew O'Neill said, 

> Hi Neil
> Somewhere around 28-Oct-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: OS3.5
> has arrived !!!

>> I deny it, but who mentioned the net? You said 2everything". Does
>> Imagine use MUI? Does WordWorth use MUI? Do Photogenics and ImageFX use
>> MUI?

>> Does Workbench use MUI?

> If they did, they would be better

If they ran native on the PPC they'd be better. But so what? That's not
relevant, your claim was that it was standard, not better.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Bohtre," said Pooh, as his dyslexia worsened

Message 34772

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: 29 Oct 1999 20:48:49 +0100
Matthew O'Neill said, 

>> Neil didn't say anything about net software, besides which you're arguing

> Well I was.

You should try saying what you mean instead of hoping people guess.
Your statement was "everything uses mui", no mention of net software.

> So, I can always try can't I ?

Yes, you're always trying :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
EMail - garbage at the speed of light.

Message 34773

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben, my promise...
Date: 29 Oct 1999 20:45:46 +0100
Matthew O'Neill said, 

> But the majority of the features are just existing hacks slightly changed to
> be more system friendly, and even those time-out :/ .......

"those" you mean there's more than one component with a timeout?

> Classact

No time out.


No time out.

> Miami

Time out in interim version.

Why have you made it your mission to spread misinformation about 3.5
when you haven't even used it?

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windows Error #02: Multitasking attempted. System confused.

Message 34774

From :Gareth Griffiths <>
Subject: [afb] TEST _ ignore
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:31:41 +0100

Got no mails from the list today. so just a test to see whether its still up

#NAME#: _*Gareth Griffiths*_  #POS#: *Founder, _Joker Developments_*
#E.MAIL#: **  #URL#: **
#ICQ#: *52909563*  #IRC#: *Undernet, GazChap*

Scratch off this spot to reveal your prize:

Message 34775

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Birdie
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:33:20 +0100
Hi Matt

> > > > > You *do* have SetMan installed, don't you?
> > > >
> > > > No, but I've downloaded it off Aminet and I'll give it a
> > > > go tonight.
> > >
> > > Remember to put it IMMEDIATELY after SetPatch, and don't start any
> > > other patches before it. SetPatch is the only thing you shouldn't
> > > remove at all, the rest can be moved safely afterwards.. if you
> > > get what I mean..
> >
> > The docs say SetMan should be put right at the top.  Even
> > before SetPatch.
> I wouldn't want anybody removing SetPatch's patches, though - would
> YOU?

Umm, unless I'm a bit thick wouldn't putting it after SetPatch remove
SetPatch's patches (IYKWIM)?  If they patched the same vectors (or
whatever), SetPatch comes along first and changes one, then SetMan comes
along and changes it to something else.

But then I quite often haven't got a clue what I'm on about :-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: The Dolby Surround Sound effect is in fact created by a
third person standing behind the listener, singing exactly 13/38th of a
second out of time.

Message 34776

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Number of Daily E-Mails
Date: 29 Oct 99 19:20:56 +0000
Hello Colin Buckenham, on 29-Oct-99 16:42:12 you said about:
  [afb] Number of Daily E-Mails 

>Hello All

>Can anybody tell me if I've missed anything?
>I was under the impression that there was a daily limit of 150 mails on this
>list, however I seem to be downloading 200+ almost every day. I wouldn't
>mind so much if most of it wasn't such a waist of time and not even worth
>the paper that it's not written on.

IIRC, 200 is the limit for this list now...

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
Trust everybody ... then cut the cards.

Message 34777

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BT rate
Date: 30 Oct 99 00:10:56 +0000
Hello Ken Walsh, on 29-Oct-99 19:48:12 you said about:
  [afb] BT rate 


>    I see BT have lowered ther local evening rate to the same price of there
>weekend rate to 1p a min (5p min still applies though :-(


Heh? Where did you see that? I've seen no adverts, announcements, etc.
and the pricing on BT's website still lists local evening calls as 1.5p

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
"Cyclists who wear helmets usually have something to protect"...

Message 34778

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Neil Wipes Out [Was: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!]
Date: 30 Oct 1999 0:17:57 +0100
Bill Hoggett said, 

> D'oh! I've just realised where the 'Wire' in WireNet comes from...

> You must forgive me folks, I'm just a bit slow.  ;)

You're faster than everyone else, assuming you're right :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?

Message 34779

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BT rate
Date: 30 Oct 1999 0:20:12 +0100
Ken Walsh said, 

>     I see BT have lowered ther local evening rate to the same price of there
> weekend rate to 1p a min (5p min still applies though :-(

They've also changed the discounts. You pay less than you used to in the
evening and more at the weekend, unless you have 0800 access at the
weekend :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Geordi, show these children the antimatter - Picard

Message 34780

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : duplicating CDs
Date: 30 Oct 1999 0:22:30 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

>> Neil, who eats more carefully than Paul

> See this people? Now even Neil has started copying me? Tch.

Copying, this sort of thing has been going on for years :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
OK Scotty, NOW!  Detonate and energize!  I mean.......

Message 34781

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Next Day Delivery?
Date: 30 Oct 1999 0:24:8 +0100
On 30-Oct-99, at 00:13:33 Paul Crellin said,

> Anyone know who Power use to deliver their stuff 'cause I ordered some kit
> yesterday morning at 09:15 and payed for next day delivery.

Be patient, there's 23.75 hours left :)

> Why do I need 3.1 anyway?

Because OS 3.5 uses functions from the 3.1 ROMs.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"A hundred years of forgetting and it all comes rushing back..."

Message 34782

Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and Miami
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:35:54 -0700
Hi andrew crowe,

You wrote    

>Yep, I'm not buying OS3.5 simply because it only does what I already
>I've got MUI and classact, 
>I've got internet software

I bought the upgrade and I must say it is worth every penny of the
It is the very reason why the Amiga market is in the state it is. 
Not enough ppl buy the products so the developers dump us. 
I think HP have said as much if they do not get a decent return and you
will not get OS4.
Anyway, what do you get for =A335.00 not a lot.
See what MS will give you for that kind of money. I think Win98 was
in a huge market.

Go on, do yourself and the Amiga a favour. Get the upgrade.

A happy chappy

Alex Paton


Message 34783

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : duplicating CDs
Date: 30 Oct 99 00:43:54 +0000
Some guy around here has been mumbling again. Apparently he goes
by the name of Neil Bothwick.

> >> Neil, who eats more carefully than Paul
> > See this people? Now even Neil has started copying me? Tch.
> Copying, this sort of thing has been going on for years :)

Not on here is hasn't. And just for that, I'm going to do the other
thing. So there. I bet you're really scared now.

> Real

Paul C, a man in a briefcase
... WANTED A boy who can take care of horses who can speak German.

Message 34784

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Net Connect 3 : duplicating CDs
Date: 30 Oct 1999 0:57:31 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> Some guy around here has been mumbling again. Apparently he goes
> by the name of Neil Bothwick.

>> Copying, this sort of thing has been going on for years :)

> Not on here is hasn't. And just for that, I'm going to do the other
> thing. So there. I bet you're really scared now.

Yeah, right!

>> Real

Can I quote you next time someone tells me to "get real"?

> Paul C, the man is a headcase

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Windows will never cease.

Message 34785

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Next Day Delivery?
Date: 30 Oct 99 00:34:18 +0100
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:13:33 +0000, Paul Crellin wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> Anyone know who Power use to deliver their stuff 'cause I ordered some
> kit yesterday morning at 09:15 and payed for next day delivery=2E

For 3-4 day delivery, they use Royal Mail (recorded), but Im not sure if
they use Royal Mail for next day=2E

> By now I expected to be fondling my Logitech trackball and struggling to
>install OS 3=2E5 as I've forgoten to order OS 3=2E1=2E

You'l probably get it tomorrow; if not, phone Power and ask for money off

The Wibble- http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk -Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma=
 In this weeks not-quite-Halloween Special=2E=2E=2EJeff Banks is still Touc=
Cloth=2E=2E=2EBuddha Holly enlightens us=2E=2E=2EThe Sweeney Tadpoles swear=
 a bit=2E=2E=2Eand
     we exclusively bring you the original pilot script for The A-Team

Message 34786

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga DVD CDR USB all that
Date: 30 Oct 99 00:22:05 +0000
Hello Alex Thyer, on 29-Oct-99 19:02:27 you said about:
  [afb] Amiga DVD CDR USB all that 

>I`ve just found out that the iiwn-corp are releasing a set of
>drivers and software to make Amigas compatible withe most new

1) Please turn off HTML posting in your mailer before someone less kind
than me flames yer arse off (hello Matt ;)

2) The whole Iwin thing, while no total proof exists yet is currently
about 95% hoax.

3) The one and only `download' they had available was actually a
Photoshop swapfile.

Make up your own mind.

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
I've seen the procedure hundreds of times. - Qwark

Message 34787

From :"Eddie Maddock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Worried? Call Paranoia-800
Date: 30 Oct 99 02:19:59 -0500
Hi Anthony,

> and I subscribed to the Amigactive list and my brain froze at the
> prospect of 400+ mails a day. Unsubbed now, so you have my full

Goes into `Kyles mum' mode... "what, What WHAAAT ?!!"

I was thinking of subscribing to the Amigactive list but if that's the
amount of mail doing the rounds at present, then forget it. I like the
magazine and all, but I can't handle downloading many more mails than
I already do.

Cheers, your comments may well have saved my sanity  :)


Message 34788

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My OS 3.5 trauma! - Underrun
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 07:08:42 +0100
Hello, Mr Holmes

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:

> Set up MakeCD to write to a data file first after getting buffer
> under-runs whilst attempting 'direct to CD'. =

  I once tried to back up a 2.5 HD, and had buffer underrun even if I set=
to 1. I started getting mad ( I couldn't create image files, that HD bein=
g on its
own ) so here's what I found:

  Assuming the HD was too slow, I made a huge buffer in MakeCD options...=
 50 MB or something, but it should work with less. The drive started fill=
ing the buffer,
but the writer kept waiting until it was full. When it started writing, s=
ome 60% of
the content were already in the buffer, so my HD had time to finish sendi=
ng its data
before the buffer got empty. Funny, eh?

  Of course, there was not much on that HD, but since it was really slow,=

maybe this could be adapted in some cases.


Message 34789

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem And BT Trouble
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 20:30:04 +0930
>> My point was that when they sold it off and it became private, things
>> improved - so why did they have to sell it off for that to happen?
>> Surely they could have just run it *as if* it were a private company
>> but keep it government owned.

Doesn't it get you that in the past you, as a taxpayer, owned this
government service.  Then it gets privitised, and do you get any return
for your investment?  You get asked if you want to buy shares!

Our phone company makes money hand over fist (overcharging like mad), so
they privitise it.  Now where's the sense in that.  Why sell off
something that's profitable?

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Telescum, somebody ought to clean it up.


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34790

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:07:26 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Kevin Fairhurst <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Friday, 29-Oct-99, 03:56:27
 About:  [afb] Re: TV Licences - again... (was PGP? no use!) =

Hello Kevin,

>> It would be cheaper to just get a just-around-=A3100 TV license, and
>> save yourself the bother :)

> Ummm, I did without the license and saved myself =A3100. When I was
> living in a shared house we got a license, but I never bothered when
> on campus. Therefore I saved =A3200, which was another =A3200 to spend =
> my Amiga or beer!
> =

> Oh, and if you are registered blind, you can save a whopping =A35 off
> the licence fee! Aren't they kind?

100 pounds for a license????  And just what does that get you?  Surely
the BBC is the only one getting money from that tax?  Don't the
independents have to totally self fund (programming, facilities,
transmitters, etc)?

Over here we have two national government broadcasters, our ABC (very
like your BBC), and SBS (foreign films mainly).  And no license fees.

I don't know what SBS costs us, but the ABC (several years ago), was
costed at eight cents per day per person.  As far as I'm concerned,
that is very good value for money.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

-- =

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)

Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** =

Message 34791

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: EGroups and Voyager Problems.
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:13:42 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Ulises A. Rodriguez, Ph.D. <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Monday, 18-Oct-99, 09:45:32
 About:  [afb] EGroups and Voyager Problems. 

Hello Ph.D.,

This is at least the fourth time I have received this (below) message. 
Is this person repeatedly posting it?  (No, I do not keep downloading
an undeleted message from my mail server.)

> Hi All,
> I had found that Voyager2.96.7 and also Voyager3-Pre4,
> makes a mess displaying the egroups messages if you
> use the correct EGroups Site Address:
> But if you use the following Address (changing only
> www for pix):
> Egroups Display all Messages OK using Voyager 2.96.7
> and the New V3-Pre4.
> I really don't know the cause.
> Try and you will see!!
> All the Best,
> Ulises
> ______________________________________________________
> AFB: All polls MUST have dates!

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34792

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AF130 - Month in view
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:54:05 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Neil Bothwick <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Monday, 18-Oct-99, 20:21:09
 About:  [afb] Re: AF130 - Month in view 

Hello Neil,

>>> Do people ever bother to READ posts to this list. How many times has
>>> it been stated that the browser and TCP stack WILL NOT be demo
>>> versions?
>> There have been conflicting reports of how functional the offered
>> programs will be, right from the software authors, and on lists like
>> these from knowledgable people.
> I've been *using* the software for several months.
>> Though, whether or not you like to refer to them as demo programs or
>> not.  A "limited" version, is a demo.  If you have to pay to get the
>> full version, then you ARE using a demo.
> Being less full-featured isn't the same as a demo. Many products come
> in various levels of specification (cars are a good example). All cost
> money, all share core features, but the extra money buys you bells and
> whistles.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!  If the program is not fully functional, then it IS
a demo of what it could be.
>> The "last" information I had, was that Miami will be time-limited.

> The information on Miami has been particularly confusing. But I phoned
> Jurgen Haage about this on Tuesday (he's about as authoritative as you
> can get on OS3.5) and it's not as you've been told.

Holger said so.  I don't see how anyone else could be more authoritive.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34793

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p".
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:43:55 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Fayez Shawkan <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Sunday, 24-Oct-99, 04:19:49
 About:  [afb] Re: "IE is cr*p". 

Hello Fayez,

> IE5 is super integrated with the OS, it comes pre-installed in all PCs
> (at least in the Mideast countries) and it's fast! That's why it's
> better than Netscape 4.5, what about later versions of Netscape ?

Is Internet Exploiter really fast, or your computer?  I am extremely
disappointed at how slow a 400 MHz computer can be at something like
web pages, compared to a 33 MHz one (mine).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34794

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Demo software
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:49:05 +0930

Regarding software in the new OS.

I don't care what you think, nor what the software author calls it, but
if it's not fully functional (crippleware), it IS a demo.  It's giving
you a look at what else you might be able to do if you pay for it.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34795

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] e-groups
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:26:00 +0930

Can someone who has managed to change their subscription address to
e-groups tell me how they managed it?  I've tried, without any luck,
and support at e-groups don't reply to mail - I've been waiting about a
month for a response this time (if they don't respond soon, I may just
bounce all of todays mail to them - 1022 messages, that ought to get
their attention).

Oddly enough, some of them are 10 days old.  I know at least two of them
are an e-groups fault - they're my messages, I'd already posted them
ages ago, AND read the return of them too.  The others I'm pretty sure
about too, but you get that sense of deja vu that makes you wonder.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34796

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: My OS 3.5 trauma!
Date: 30 Oct 99 08:20:28 +0100
in a fit of rage  said something about [afb] Re: My OS 3.5 trauma!

> > > I have had UNBELIEVABLE trouble getting this installed!
> > > I have been offline for a day due to it. 
> > > I think I am now 95% 'there'... I will elaborate more if anyone is
> > > interested.
> > I for one could do with a godd laugh ;)

> A godd laugh?? ;-)

> Anyway...

[and now from Norwich, it's the snip of the week...]

Nice to know these thing don't just happen to me 8)

Cheers, and thanks for the laugh ;)
Anthony Prime
>>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 34797

From :Paul Crellin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Next Day Delivery?
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 08:31:23 +0000
Hello Neil

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:

> On 30-Oct-99, at 00:13:33 Paul Crellin said,
>> Anyone know who Power use to deliver their stuff 
> Be patient, there's 23.75 hours left :)
>> Why do I need 3.1 anyway?
> Because OS 3.5 uses functions from the 3.1 ROMs.
I didn't make myself too clear here did I. :/

I placed my order at 9:15 on Thursday 28/10 and was asking the
question at 0:13 on Saturday 30/10.

I've ordered the 3.1 ROM's but I now think that I need the 3.1
software as well. Is this true?

Thanks in advance,


Message 34798

From :Paul Crellin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Next Day Delivery?
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 08:34:34 +0000
Hello Daniel

On 29-Oct-99, you wrote:
> For 3-4 day delivery, they use Royal Mail (recorded), but Im not
> sure if they use Royal Mail for next day.
>> By now I expected to be fondling my Logitech trackball and
>> struggling to
>> install OS 3.5 as I've forgoten to order OS 3.1.
> You'l probably get it tomorrow; if not, phone Power and ask for
> money off :)

Now theres an idea, money off, yep, I like the sound of that.:)


Message 34799

From :Tim Seifert <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock!
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 16:43:47 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Matthew O'Neill <>
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list <>
 Dated:  Saturday, 30-Oct-99, 02:55:49
 About:  [afb] Re: Hideously unstable Amiga shock! 

Hello Matthew,

>> I've never had any trouble with Arq messing up my miggy, even with
> But do you have dopus? Dopus has it's own inbuilt arq type thing

The only trouble I could attribute to ARQ was *when* in the start up
scripts it was called.  Once I'd gone through the pallaver of
organizing which programs were started in what order, I killed off some
damn annoying bugs.

There was a side issue though - if you use the speech support with ARQ. 
I've found SPEAK: to be buggy (crashes and whatnot).  For example, I
used the Say command in a STRICQ notify ARexx script; when logging on,
you'd get hit with several users being notified as on-line, and it's
speak the first one, but none of the others.  And if you did the status
command in the CLI, you'd see several SAY processes sitting there doing
nothing, that you just couldn't get to terminate (no permutation of
using the BREAK command would work).

Actually I'd say DOpus was a problem with ARQ type of notify things.  If
you try to access an unmounted volume, you get not much of a response,
definitely no option to assign or mount it.  Even with ARQ and
AssignWedge already running on the system.

I like ARQ mostly because I can respond to requesters with either RETURN
or ESCAPE keys directly, and function keys for multi-button requesters.
 None of the other requester patches I tried did this, or even worked
without crashing.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia)
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.

***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 34800

Subject: [afb] Rendering project
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 01:39:08 -0700
I got some response to my earlier messages about this and got
optimistic enough
to start a new egroup. In a sudden fit of weirdness I decided to call it
"reindeer" (re(i)nd(e)er, get it?) Those who responded to the poll have
been invited to join. I hope I won't be alone there on Monday...

Message 34801

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's new for 29-Oct-1999
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:44:35 +0100 (BST)

> Well, it`ll be your own happy ride because the Amiga Community won't be
> supporting you - I'm sure Amiga users will now turn to the Phoenix Platform
> Consortium or forget you altogether and sadly just go with a PC/Mac.

well, unless Gateway pull off an amazing, unexpected coup, i'll be
looking at the phoenix consortium for my upgrade path...and Amino for
any other possible developments


Message 34802

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben, my promise...
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:47:35 +0100 (BST)

> But the majority of the features are just existing hacks slightly changed to
> be more system friendly, and even those time-out :/ .......

only the Miami in the os3.5 times out - and thats because the official
os3.5 oem version is a bit late.

Message 34803

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: EGG
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:49:18 +0100 (BST)

> does voyager have 128-bit encryption? Egg tells me Mine doesn't go high
> enough, and when I accessed it on the pc I noticed it had used a 128 bit
> SSL link

:-) oh, i wish! the Int. version of IE5 and Netscape4.x use a maximum of
56bit , yes, it does communicate in 128bit also, but those last 72 bits
are a known value!

what about Miami SSL - did you try using that?


Message 34804

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:51:56 +0100 (BST)

> > Does Workbench use MUI?
> If they did, they would be better

yes, better at being like Microsoft! The OS GUI should take minimum
processor and memory overhead. using MUI to display the workbench would
be a 'quick fix' for the graphical presentation that would be a
nightmare in the long term.

MUI is a nice idea, but could be implemented so much better. What we
need to start off with is a BOOPSI-2 (as such) and implement other
functions required in new OS libraries - this requires ROM changing to
be implemented correctly. 


Message 34805

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 has arrived !!!
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:54:15 +0100 (BST)

> Well I was. Using MUI frees the programmer from spending ages getting a half
> decent GUI, giving more time actually program. 

do you program with MUI then? From personal experience, MUI isnt an
'immediate GUI' , it gets results that are much harder to achieve with
the current OS , sure, but it's also a very easy way to get bugs into
the code.  look at the old MUI apps...everyone blamed MUI for it (and it
got a bad rep)...sure, MUI had a few problems, but it was the app code
that had the bugs. 

Message 34806

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga DVD CDR USB all that
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:59:52 +0100 (BST)

> I`ve just found out that the iiwn-corp are releasing a set of
> drivers and software to make Amigas compatible withe most new
> technology!

heh heh heh... oh well... I'd *love* to actually see some products from
this company. I still feel like its a 2 man job designed (cleverly) to
get millions from venture capitalists and gullible people.

have you been to their Amiga software page? iText? Thats just WordPad
with some PaintShopPro editing!  - no Amiga person should buy unless
they see proper Amiga screenshots, and, of course, a review in AF! :-)


Message 34807

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mr Cheapskate finds yet another bargain that isn't... HD help please :(
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 10:01:24 +0100 (BST)

> Naah. I do it all the time! Full format is OK, IIRC it's a low level
> format that will finish what the previous owner started :)

correct.  A full format is really clears everything.  a
lowlevel format (using a HD tools package) will kill most drives :-)